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I held up the earbud. “I was exercising. Had the music cranked up.”

But Devyn’s eyes didn’t move toward my hand. They stopped at my bare chest and took their sweet-ass time moving down. When they got to my abs—which were a glistening six-pack thanks to a hundred torturous sit ups—her little pink tongue peeked out and ran along her bottom lip. The entire thing lasted mere seconds, but it was crystal clear that she liked what she saw.

Devyn shook her head and raised a bottle of wine in one hand. “I just came down to say thank you for setting me up with Marcus. He’s amazing. He’s going to prepare an affidavit and petition for custody and file it with an order to show cause as soon as the courthouse opens on Monday morning.”

“That’s great.”

She held up a brown paper bag in her other hand. “I bought you some dinner to go with the wine.”

“You didn’t have to do that.”

“No,youdidn’t have to do any of the things you’ve done for me. Really, Owen, you’ve helped so much.”

I nodded toward the inside of my apartment and stepped back so she could enter. “Come in. Share it with me.”

She hesitated, and once again her eyes dropped to my chest. “Umm... Weren’t you on your way out? I don’t want to interrupt.”

As much as I enjoyed her ogling me, I didn’t want to chase her away. So I tugged my T-shirt from my waistband and slipped it over my head. “I already exercised, and I freaking hate to run, so you’re doing me a favor.”

She smiled and nodded. Inside, I opened the bottle of wine she’d brought and poured two glasses. Passing her one, I motioned toward the living room. “Why don’t we go sit in there. It’s more comfortable than the kitchen.”

“The lasagna I brought you is warm. It’s from that Italian place you like.”

I patted my stomach. “I just finished exercising. I can’t eat too soon after. But I’ll have it in a little while.”

“Oh, okay.”

We settled on the couch, and Devyn gulped her wine.

“Talking to Marcus today has my head spinning,” she said. “I really did bring the wine for you to say thank you, but I might’ve needed this more than I realized.”

I smiled. “Yeah, I might’ve needed it too.”

“Oh? Is something bothering you?” She shook her head. “I’m so wrapped up in my chaotic life. I haven’t even asked what’s going on with you lately. Is everything okay?”

“Everything’s fine. Talk to me about why your head is spinning.”

Devyn sighed. “Well, Marcus asked me some questions that I think I’ve been avoiding asking myself.”

“Like what?”

“Well, for starters, he asked what I would do if Veranevercame back. Of course I’d keep Heath and Hannah if that were to happen. But it got me thinking…why would Iallowthem to go back to Vera, even if she does show up? The more I hear about our mother’s recent antics, the more I realize that even when she’s home, she’s not really parenting. The two of them need stability—especially Heath. I’m a little afraid that without it, he might continue down the wrong path. Right now, he’s making dumbkiddecisions—stealing a neighbor’s cat and a mannequin. But how long until those decisions grow to be dumbadultdecisions—like stealing from a store. Feels like that could be the direction he winds up going without some intervention.”

“Does that mean you’re considering trying for more than temporary custody?”

She gulped back her wine. “I might...”

“Wow. That’s a lot to take on—two teenagers.”

Devyn’s face fell, and it made me realize how negative my reaction had seemed.

“Sorry, that came off as not very supportive. I think it would be amazing if you did that. It’s a very noble thing to do, and I’m sure it would change the course of Heath and Hannah’s lives in a positive way. I just meant, it would obviously change your life a lot, too.” I paused. “What about children of your own someday?”

Devyn shrugged. “I’m not sure. My mom didn’t exactly show me the joys of motherhood. I think I’ve mentioned it’s not something I’ve felt like I needed to be fulfilled. Though, if the right person came along…I don’t know…maybe?”

I nodded.

“How about you?” She traced her finger over the rim of her wine glass. “You’ve said in the past that you weren’t sure about marriage and kids...”

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