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I picked up. “Hi.”

“Hey, babe. What’s going on? I haven’t heard from you. I thought you might’ve changed your mind about coming out here by now.”

I sat up against the headboard. “Sorry to burst your bubble, but no. Nothing has changed. I won’t be able to make it out there.”

“What are you up to tonight?” he asked.

“I’m in Boston, actually.”

“What are you doing there? I thought you couldn’t travel,” he pointed out, his tone bitter.

“It’s not a trip for fun. I’m here because I got a lead that my deadbeat mother might be here with her boyfriend, and I’m trying to locate her before CPS takes my brother and sister away. Heath and Hannah are staying with my neighbors.”

“Oh, damn. Okay. Are you alone there?”

“No. My friend is here helping me. We think we found where her boyfriend works. But we have to wait until morning to confront him.”

“What friend is this?”

“His name is Owen.”

He paused. “Owen, huh?”


“Does this Owen have anything to do with why you’re not out here in my bed right now?”

“No.” I swallowed. “We’re just friends.”

“Are you at a hotel?”


“Is he sleeping in the same room as you?”

“No, we have separate rooms.”

“And this guy helping you has no ulterior motive?”

“Believe it or not, Robert, there are some men in this world who don’t just want sex from me.” I rolled my eyes.

“I don’t just want sex from you. I can get sex anywhere.”

“Classy,” I muttered.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean it to come out that way.” He sighed. “Anyway, I don’t know if I buy that this guy has pure intentions, no matter what you say.”

“What if hewasmore? You and I are not exclusive anyway. Lord knows you certainly haven’t been monogamous.”

“You don’t trust me to be, remember? Iwantedyou to be my girlfriend. You’ve said no every time I asked you.”

“That would be a recipe for disaster. You know you wouldn’t be able to be faithful with all the traveling you do. And you’re right. I don’t trust you. Because you’ve never given me a reason to.”

“I can’t believe I’m gonna go to Italy without seeing you first.”

“Well, you claim you’re too busy to fly out to see me, so it can’t mean that much to you.”

“I told you, I have press every single day out here.”

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