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My chest felt heavy. “But what happens if it’s not me? Do I bow out and let them try to be a family?”

“Oh gosh. Is that what has you freaked out? Owen, a family isn’t the sperm and egg donor and the kid they produce. What makes a family is love and commitment, showing up every day when someone needs you. Do you think I’m not Saylor’s mother because we don’t share blood?”

I shook my head. “I don’t even remember the days before you came into Colby and Saylor’s life. You’re the best thing to happen to both of them.”

“And they’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Anyone can be a mother, but it’s something special when a childchoosesto accept you as their parent, and youchooseto accept them as your child.”

I nodded. “I get that. And what you and Saylor have is amazing. I guess my issue is less about the baby and where I would fit in, and more that I’m terrified Devyn still has feelings for Robert. What if he’s the father and she wants to give things another shot with him?”

“Well, I’m not going to sugarcoat it. I guess that’s a realistic concern.”

I frowned. “Thanks.”

“But what are you doing about it?”

“What do you mean? What can I do about it? I can’t make her not have feelings for some guy.”

“No, but she obviously has feelings for you, too. Fight for what you want.”

“How do I do that?”

“Put your heart out there. You’ve been really supportive, going with her places, helping out with the kids—your actions show you’re committed. But a woman also likes to hear it. Have you told Devyn you’re in love with her and you want to be with her no matter the outcome of the paternity test?”

My heart started to race. “No.”

Billie shrugged. “I’m no love expert, but maybe you should start there. The worst thing that could happen is you go for it and it doesn’t work out. But I have to imagine that’s a heck of a lot easier to move on from thannot going for itand always wondering if things might’ve turned out differently if you had.”

She had a point. I’d kick myself in the ass for a long time if I didn’t give it all I had. I took a deep breath and nodded. “You’re a wise woman, Billie. Even if you did pick my dumbass friend Colby.”

She grinned. “Damn straight I am. Now get off your ass and go get your girl.”


I wiped my palms on my jeans for the third time in ten minutes and reached for the door handle. Not to sound like a total cheeseball, but the sight of Devyn standing on the other side of the threshold took my breath away.

“Hey.” She smiled. “I can only stay about fifteen minutes. Heath gets off of work at the pizza place at eight, and I’m going to walk over and pick him up. I think he said about ten words when he saw Vera after school, so I thought maybe he’d want to vent in private.”

I nodded and stepped aside. “Probably a good idea.”

Devyn’s eyes widened when she stepped into the kitchen. “Oh my God. What is all this?”

“I told you I picked us up some dessert.”

“You said dessert, not an entire bakery.”

I guess I had gone a little overboard. The kitchen table had four white bakery boxes, one filled with various mini pastries, one with a half-dozen cupcakes, one with a pound of cookies, and of course, a Key lime pie.

Devyn licked her lips as she perused the contents of each. “Oh gosh. If you’re dumping me, can you please not do it until after I’ve stuffed my face?”

“Dumping you?”

“You said you bought dessert and wanted to talk to me about something. This looks like a consolation feast. You know, ‘I’m sorry I don’t want you in my life anymore, but here, stuff your face with this napoleon. You’ll feel better.’”

I chuckled. “Sit. I’ll get you a plate and something to drink.”

Devyn had a cannoli in her mouth by the time I got the milk out of the fridge. It made me smile to see her eat.

“How was Hannah tonight? Any better than when you told her Vera was back this morning?” I asked.

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