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“I wish you would’ve told me. I could’ve asked Billie for an appointment. Her work is amazing.”

“Girl, who do you think is doing my ink? I stalked her the day after you told me you’d made a new friend.” Mia winked. “I was sizing up the competition, but you were right. Her work is incredible. When I found out yesterday that I could switch to an earlier flight, I called her shop. The woman who answered said there was a six-month wait to get a tattoo from Billie and asked if I wanted to be put on the cancelation list in case of a last-minute opening. I told her I’d love to, but I was only in town for a few days. We got to talking, and I said I was visiting my friend who lived in the same building as the tattoo parlor. A minute later, Billie herself was on the phone and offering to come in early to pop my cherry. Apparently your name has some big pull around here.”

“Oh, I’m so glad! You’re going to love her.”

“Where can I open my suitcase?” Mia looked around. “I need to wash my face and put some makeup and a cute outfit on. I want to look good for the pics you’ll be taking of me getting my first tattoo.”

I smiled. “Come on. I’ll make space in my bedroom.”

Mia lifted a brow as she grabbed her suitcase. “Yourbedroom. Not Vera’s?”

I sighed. “I flipped the mattress and bought new sheets, so I think I can call it mine for now.”

Mia followed me down the hall. “No news about her, I take it?”

“Nope. Not a peep. It’s like she vanished. This is the longest she’s ever been gone.”

“I can’t believe the bitch hasn’t even called to check on—” Mia suddenly paused. “Umm, what the heck is all this?”

I’d forgotten about the now-five-foot-tall pile of gifts stacked in the corner of the bedroom. All of which were still wrapped. I frowned, looking at them. “Oh. That’s Robert. I told you he showed up with a bunch of gifts. I’ve also been getting deliveries—international from Italy and local from department stores. Sometimes two or three a day show up. I had to tell the kids Robert and I had an argument, and that’s why I’m getting all the deliveries. I haven’t told them about the pregnancy.”

“Why haven’t you opened any of it?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know. I can’t bring myself to do it. I know at least some of them are baby clothes, because Robert mentioned that. I think seeing it would make it all too real.”

“How about I open them? I love presents.”

I shrugged. “Maybe after Billie’s.”

A little while later, Mia and I headed down to the tattoo parlor. My best friend was filled with a nervous energy, and I wasn’t sure if it was because she was gun-shy about the needle, or excited about the prospect of manifesting her future. Either way, Billie’s energy when she opened the door was a match.

“Eeep!” She held open her arms. “I get to tattoo a virgin and meet your best friend! I’m so excited.”

Mia swamped Billie in a hug. “So am I! I’ve heard so much about you. Thank you for taking care of my girl.”

Billie laughed. “It’s been my pleasure. Not that there’s been much for me to do, other than lend an ear.” She locked the front door behind us. “We don’t open until ten, but people tend to wander in off the street if I leave it open. Come on back. I picked us up some coffees on my way in.” She winked at me. “Decaffeinated for you, of course.”

Mia and I followed Billie from the reception area to the studio. Two steps in, Mia gawked wide-eyed at the walls. “Oh my God. This artwork isah-mazing.Who painted these?”

Billie bit down on her bottom lip. “I did.”

Mia’s eyes bulged. She wandered over for a closer look. “Holy shit. Have you ever shown your work?”

“Only when my mother harasses me. She runs a gallery here in the city.”

“Which one?”

“It’s called The Holland Gallery.”

Mia’s mouth dropped open. “The one owned by Renee Holland?”

“That’s the one.”

“Wow. That’s a prestigious gallery. Though I hear the owner’s a real bitch to work for.”

Billie grinned. “She is. Even more of a bitch to be a daughter for.”

Mia covered her mouth. “Oh my God. Renee Holland is your mother? I’m so sorry. You said she runs the gallery, and I just thought…”

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