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My pulse raced as I waited outside the ladies’ room. After three minutes, I couldn’t take it anymore. I cracked the door open. “Everything okay in there, Devyn?”

“I’ll be right out,” she hollered, her voice echoing.

She hadn’t exactly assured me that things were okay.

The door opened, and Billie emerged with a sullen look on her face.

“What the hell is going on?” I asked.

“I happened to be in there when she walked in.” Billie frowned as she whispered, “She’s bleeding a little, Owen.”

“Fuck,” I muttered, staring at the bathroom door.

“It doesn’t necessarily mean anything, but I think you should take her to the emergency room.”

“Yeah.” I nodded. “Of course.” I looked beyond her shoulders, hoping the door would open.

A few seconds later, Devyn finally came out.

Billie rubbed her back.

“Billie told me,” I said. “Let’s get you to the hospital.”

Seeming in a daze, she nodded and took my hand.

The music faded into the distance as we made our way out of the club. I was certain I’d have some explaining to do—particularly to Holden—but I couldn’t worry about that now. Devyn was the only thing that mattered.

We got in my car, and I raced to the nearest hospital. I had to remind myself to slow down, because the only thing that could make this worse was an accident.

By some miracle, when we got there, they took us right in after I explained that she was pregnant and bleeding.

Devyn was given a bed with a partition separating her from the next person.

We were alone for a moment, and she turned to me.

“I’m scared.” Her eyes glistened.

I took her hand in mine. “I know.”

I wanted to say something encouraging, but I refused to give her false hope when I didn’t know shit. I was scared, too, but admitting that also wouldn’t help.

A tear rolled down her cheek, and I reached out to swipe it. Holding her hand, I bounced my legs nervously, waiting for a nurse or doctor to enter.

Finally, someone came in, took her vitals, and drew some blood. Someone then wheeled in a machine.

And everything after that happened pretty fast. Before I knew it, they had turned on the ultrasound screen. The doctor was silent for a long while as she moved the wand over Devyn’s stomach. Then she pointed to the screen. “You can see the heartbeat right here. Everything looks stable.”

“Oh, thank God,” Devyn breathed.

My breath left me, not only because I was relieved, but because I couldn’t believe my eyes.There he is.Or she. There was a little head. It was moving. And I couldseeits little heart beating.

That could be my kid.

Holy shit.

I hadn’t been prepared for this. But I felt so much love inside me that it was scary. I wasn’t even sure if this baby was mine, yet I still felt it. Love. Fear. So many emotions pummeled me.

“Do you see him, Owen?” Devyn whispered.

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