Page 96 of The Toymaker's Son

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He blushed, and how I loved to see that rush of color on his chest and face.

“Well, yes, you know, the male kind. So, it seems, we both might be a little inexperienced, but I am sure we’ll be able to—”

I rushed to him, wrapped him in my arms, and kissed him breathless, then fluttered kisses down his neck just to listen to the rush of his shortened gasps and feel his bare chest brushing mine. My heart fluttered, filled with the sudden rush of… joy? I’d only felt its like when toymaking, when I had crafted trinkets for pleasure and not to buy the love of a father who despised me. My world had turned gray, but Val had brought the color back.

“My goodness, youdosmile!” He draped his arms over my shoulders and bumped his forehead with mine.

“On occasion.” I smiled as I said it, and his grin bloomed into a brilliant thing.

My clockwork heart raced, but then dread crept in. If he knew what I’d done, it would destroy him. He couldneverknow. I swept him into my arms, buried my face into his neck, and breathed in his warm, wet scent of soap and male and human, and him. I’d love him tonight and set him free tomorrow.

“What I did with those…” he began, whispering the words in my ear as he clung on. “… with the fae at Rochefort Manor—”

“Hush, you are not to blame. They took advantage of the situation and you.”

“I hate that it happened. I was angry and scared.” He turned his head away.

I didn’t know all of it, just how I’d found him—trussed up on the bed, his trousers open and his head full of magic.

I clutched his face in my hands. If only I could take away the hurt in his eyes, but it was too late to change the past. “Forget the past. Forget it all. There is only now, in this moment. Just you and I.”

“What if you forget again? I cannot go around again. I can’t go through it all again and again. The last time almost broke me, Dev.”

“You won’t.” I hugged him so tightly I feared I might crush him and absorbed his tremors, making them my own. “I promise you this. It’s over.”

His fingernails dug into my back, and he clung to me as though I were his last hope. Then he withdrew enough to slam a kiss on my mouth that left no room for doubt. This moment was ours.

He gasped free and gazed at my chest, then raised a hand but held back. “I need to feel you, to feel us, to know this is real.”

“Then feel me, Valentine.”

His warm hand spread across my chest, and his gaze followed. His eyes widened in awe and wonder that I did not deserve, but as his hands dropped to my hips and dove around to clutch my ass, his gaze turned sly and mischievous. “Gods, Devere. You are so perfect. I do not know where to begin.”

I smirked and shifted my hips, stepping close enough to press his erection tightly between us. “Anywhere you like.”

Surprise showed in his eyes, but keen excitement quickly narrowed them. Nerves trilled through me, sharpening my own needs and desire. He kissed my mouth, my neck, while his fingers worked at my trouser ties, loosening them off. Every skim of his lips, every sweep of his tongue, summoned in me a feverish desire. It seemed like too much yet not enough,neverenough. When his hand dove inside my loosened trousers and his fingers wrapped around the length of me, I gasped, clutched him, and reveled in the electric shivers his touch ignited. I stopped thinking and became a creature of need and want, driven by a thirst only Val could quench. I wanted to drown under this new fire, bathe in its scorching heat, and as he backed me against the wall, I surrendered all of me to this man I loved and had tortured in the worst possible ways.

“I want to do something,” he breathed against my cheek, asking permission. “But I, well, will you tell me to stop if you do not like it?”

“Toy with me as you wish.”

His mouth quirked up at one side, forming a lopsided smile, and then he dropped to his knees. I slipped my hand into his hair and dropped my head back, and the moment his fingers stroked my cock, I fluttered my lashes closed and lost myself to the delicious sensation of his warm mouth sucking me down.

I’d read books, I knew what went on behind the lounges in the gentlemen’s club, and I’d seen Adair engage in sexual acts time and time again, but I’d failed to understand what could make a man surrender his mind and body to another.

I understood now, as I fell into the pleasure that Valentine’s mouth gave. The magic was in the letting go, the surrender, the absolute freedom of there being nothing else in the world, just Val and me, his mouth on my cock, and what I could later do to make him moan and beg and tremble.

He sucked and pumped, his hands and mouth so deft in their symphony that the strings of pleasure began to tighten to the point where I’d soon lose control. I scrunched my hand in his hair and hauled him up to his feet. His glassy eyes were full and dark, his lips plump.

He laughed. “You like?”

“I think you know I do.”

“I’ve never actually… done that before.”

“You like?” I echoed, loosening my hold on his hair so I could skim my fingers down his flushed face and over a shadow of whiskers. So gritty and true, so messy and raw, so Valentine.

He caught my free hand and placed it over his firm erection. My fingers automatically encircled its hot, silken length. “You know I do.”
