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I grin at him and say, "What's a little stabbing, brother? At least it's not a fucking bullet." He chuckles and shakes his head while I sigh again. "Please tell me the bitch is dead." Both men swallow, and I lift my right hand while keeping my left around my girl. "I know, I know, she's my mother; you only get one, but not only did she fucking make my brother's life hell since fucking birth, but she had him molested and then decided to attack my girl, tried to kill her, and almost succeeded with Shane, who I'm guessing is fine considering I've just seen him hobble past, so please, fucking please, tell me she's fucking dead."

Dad sighs. "I shot her in the head."

I scowl at him hard, making both him and Trav look at me with confusion as to why I'm pissed when I just begged to know she's definitely dead.

"You mean to tell me she didn't fucking suffer? The bitch went after my FUCKING WOMAN."

I boom the last bit, causing my girl to sit up in fright while my father and fucking brother chuckle, the asses. Sophie looks towards them and frowns while they just smile wide at her. I smile as I gently move my arm, running my fingers through her soft red hair, making her look towards me in shock before the realization hits, and her tears start to swell up before her sobs come out. I pull her towards me as both men get up and kiss her head before leaving us together in private.

Her body shakes with her sobs, making me hold her tighter before she rasps, "You ever do-do that again, t-then I'll-I'll chop y-your balls off and make you swallow them while Leah h-holds you down."

I laugh at my girl's words before I shake my head.

"I love you too, baby."

She huffs before she lifts her head towards mine and kisses me with passion, my tongue tangling with hers before I slow the kiss to a stop. I can feel myself getting hard on her like I always do, and I know Doc would put a fucking bullet through my dick if I even attempted to become intimate with her. She slowly and lazily opens her eyes as I rub my nose along hers, smiling.

"I can't promise to never do that again, Pixie. You are my everything; no one hurts you, period."

She sniffles before she rasps, "But I can't live without you."

I gently move her hair from her face with my fingers while smiling gently before I rasp, "And yet I'm still here. I'd never leave you, baby, never."

She nodded her head as her tears fell before she placed her head into the crook of my neck again, breathing me in while I told her tightly, ignoring the pain in my side. I put my nose on her head, breathing her in.

Fuck me, I have never felt as complete as I do right now with this woman in my arms, and the day I make her my wife and put my baby in her belly will be the best fucking day.

Epilogue – 11 Months Later


I smile wide as I walk over to the large, round, king-size bed with red bedding while Jackson lifts his left hand, returning the smile as his silver band glistens in the moonlight from the open terrace doors. I put my left hand in his as he helps me to bed, where I instantly lay my head on his chest with my left hand splayed across his naked abs, my white diamond ring glistening, and I smile.

These past 11 months have been a whirlwind. Leslie was burned after Stormy shot her. She never got a service; a prospect threw her ashes over Hudson Bridge while Stormy met someone. He's not 100% sure because he still feels guilt for what happened to Dagger and losing his mom, Lara, but his sons are helping him through it.

Lucy got the sack after hitting on Sarah's new boyfriend in front of customers. She flipped and grabbed his manhood while he looked at her like she was crazy.

Josh ended up marrying a cougar; she's in her sixties and well off, while Phoebe is currently sitting in jail for attempted arson at the tattoo shop. Her stepdad, who is a brother that I met and really liked, washed his hands off her after that, and the reason why she went crazy at the shop was that my man called the Sheriff on her. He had found her naked on his tattooing chair, taking a leaf out of the girl who was obsessed with Hawk, the jailbait—Jackson's name, not mine—book. She also caused much trouble, but that's not my story.

Todd, my ex-fake boyfriend turned best man friend, and his husband Alex have a baby boy named Jax. They adopted him four months ago, and he's absolutely beautiful. Black hair and bright blue eyes—a little heartbreaker inthe making. Todd's father had finally come around with his son's sexual life choices and is the best grandad to the little tyke.

I smile wider as I feel Jackson's fingers travel up and down my naked spine. He's been healing nicely since he was stabbed by his own mother. He's been struggling with his guilt over how she treated his brother, but Dagger helped a lot with releasing his guilt by letting him finally tattoo over some of his scars that his original tattoo artist said were not tattooable. Now, you can barely see them.

Jackson's also been my rock over the months.

Living in a world without my Momma has not been easy; it's been a horror show. Alex managed to sell my childhood home, and as Momma asked, I placed it into a savings account for a rainy day.

I ended up with Dr. Shall for three hours in the common room at the clubhouse with our cat, Scarlet, curled up in my lap, all while Dagger, Axel, Gunner, and Slicer—who returned just in time for Mel and Dagger's wedding and had gotten the massive shock of his life—all tried to hold him back from taking me into his arms.

They knew I needed the session, and as soon as it was over, they let him loose, and he took me into his arms, where I stayed for the rest of the night.

I sigh as I nuzzle into the crook of his neck while his fingers run through my hair. "How are you doing, Pixie?" he asks with a rasp, and I shrug, "happy, extremely happy but also sad."

He hums before holding me tighter. Today has been a bag full of emotions, and I have struggled.

I've been extremely happy because my man decided to whisk me away to Vegas without anyone knowing. They all think we've just gone for a few days' bike ride across the county, but instead, we've gotten married. Jackson's already sent a picture of us in front of the chapel, grinning to his dad and Dagger. They both swore at us but promised to keep quiet until we returned to tell his brothers and my friends about the promise of a family dinner, which we happily agreed to.

I have yet to tell Leah. Our friendship has taken some rocky turns, which I know was my fault; I caused it and wasn't a good friend to her, and this issomething I know I need to tell her in person. I just hope she can understand my not wanting anyone with us.

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