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Her eyes go wide with unshed tears, but I just scowl at her, not falling for her fucking trick. This woman is not a mother; she tricked Stormy into getting pregnant after poking holes in his condoms for months. She abused my brother because her plan worked a little too well on someone else, and as a result, she had him molested. This woman deserves be-fucking-heading. My father stands next to me as Shane picks up his gun, pointing it at my mother, and I smirk while my father growls.

"I'd do as he says, Leslie, because our prospect here doesn't like you too much, especially with the gun he's currently pointing at you, and to be honest, I'm hoping he shoots it."

I hear Shane snort as Leslie turns her head towards him in fear when my phone rings.

I shake my head and get it out, but freeze when I see David's name, and something hard sits in my gut: "It's Uncle David."

All the men look at me with wide eyes, noticing the tension in my voice, and I put the phone on speaker so they can hear because something feels off. I don't get to speak, though, when his panicked voice comes through the speakers, sobs coming through in the background before he hangs up again.

"Jackson, get to the General now; it's Sophie."

My whole world crashes, and I vaguely hear Leslie chuckle with glee while Gunner shouts, bringing me out of my stupor, "INK, SNAP OUT OF IT, I'LL CALL LEAH."

It works, especially when my father pats my back hard.

I jump back on my bike, ignoring the bitch's screeches, and skid away from the club's entrance, heading to the hospital with the others quickly following suit.

We get to the hospital in record time, with Leah rushing in from another door. We all run towards the nurse's desk when we hear screaming, full of pain.



As we round the corner, I see my girl rush towards the double doors, trying to pass a concerned-looking Doc and a very upset Meghan. David tries to grab her but just misses. I hear Leah shout, "SOPHIE!" as I rush towards my girl, wrapping my arms around her before she starts kicking out, trying to get free from my hold while wailing, "NO, MOMMAAAA, PLEASE, NOOOO."

My heart breaks with realization, Ashley.

Sophie kicks again, hitting my shin, causing me to grunt, but I just tighten my hold, and she continues screaming, "MOMMA, PLEASE, NOOOOOOO..." before I shout to anyone willing to fucking listen as her struggles get harder.


Her whole body shakes as she kicks out again, screaming, causing my heart to rip out of my chest. Tears well in my eyes,


I tighten my hold even more when she nearly slips free while Doc shouts, "MEGHAN SEDATION, NOW." I look in time to see a sobbing Meghan get the medication that a nurse has brought out while Sophie screams louder,


I hold her tighter before placing my cheek against her wet one, whispering, "I'm so sorry, baby, so sorry," as a sobbing Meghan stabs the needle in her neck. I can hear Leah sobbing loudly in the background as my girl's body starts to go limp, her eyes drooping before whispering a painful whisper, making my tears fall.


As soon as her body relaxes, I quickly pick her up, slowly placing her body on the bed they brought through for her, wiping her red hair away from her tear-stained face, and looking up towards Doc, a man who I see as an uncle. "Doc?" it's all I can ask in a rasp. I know this has to do with Ashley, and I'm fucking praying she's OK.

Meghan sobs louder, causing Axel to go towards her, taking her into his arms as dread sits in my stomach with the look on Doc's face before he rasps.

"Her Momma was brought in unconscious and intubated; Sophie found her in bed after taking a whole lot of pills. She did CPR until the paramedics got there and took over; they got her back, but-but fuck." He looks down before looking back towards me, eyes full of compassion and pain. Knowing a woman he saw as a friend, a woman who worked here and helped people in this predicament, he says, "Jackson, she's braindead son."

Leah lets out a wail full of pain as my tears fall, and I look at her just as she starts to fall. Gunner just caught her before she hit the ground. She tries to push him away, but he doesn't let her; he just holds her tighter. I drop my head on my girl's shoulder with the pain, wondering how she's going to get through this, thinking things couldn't get any fucking worse until Leah sobs out.

"Today's h-her father's 4th d-death anniversary."

And I close my eyes as more tears fall.

I hear my dad curse while Meghan and Leah fall apart around us.

Ashley couldn't hold back another day, another year without her love. I rasp, "She left her daughter to be with her husband." I feel Dad behind me, gripping my shoulder.

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