Page 38 of Ink

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My heart beats fast in my chest. Shit, shit, shit, what the fuck did I do?

"On my wedding day a month ago, she acted like she was loved up and happy with you. I only just found out yesterday after just getting back from my honeymoon, no less that you not only broke her privacy by snooping through her phone."

I go to speak to defend myself even though I don't have a fucking leg to stand on, but he puts his hand up to stop me, making me growl, but he just smirks while Axel grips my arm to keep me from killing my girl's best friend, and yes, she is still my girl.

I messed up, but at least I didn't do a Dagger.

Todd continues, "You also broke her phone and never let her explain. You saw my excited message about my wedding that she was going to bring you to, by the way, and took it out of context. You broke my girl's heart all while she stood strong for me and my husband so we could have a good day. I found out from Leah this morning that she saw some blonde bitch kiss you outside your shop the day of my wedding, the day after YOU called her a fucking whore when she's only ever slept with that pratt Josh who may or may not be one of my best friends, the jury's out with that one at the moment, and you, the fucking day after YOU ended things with her." I feel sick; I can feel the bile rise in my throat; she saw Clitter kiss me; fuck, "Now, I don't think it was something; I know you biker men have women, and most likely men will jump at you, but my girl is a fucking wreck."

I swallow while Axel nods in understanding.

"Do you know what happened when she got home after you ended things with her?"

I close my eyes. I don't want to know because I know what I did, and that was get flat-out fucking drunk, but I know I need to, so I look him in the eyes.

"No, I don't," I rasp.

He nods. "She ended up having a panic attack through her sobs and was rushed to the hospital after passing out; Leah and Gunner were with her." I stand, panic and anger taking hold of me. Axel quickly grabs me while he stands, too. "She begged Gunner not to tell you, and when Leah threatened to walk away from the bar, he agreed; the fucker is in love with her but too fucking stupid to realize it."

Axel chuckles because it's true, while I lose it in my head. Fuck, fuck, fuck,

"Sophie has spent the past month in deep depression; you fucking broke her. Since you two started seeing each other, she's been trying to tell you about me and our arrangement. Still, you kept pushing it back repeatedly." He points at me and says, "Fucking fix this Ink; I want my fucking lively, bubbly friend back. Her mother is worried, and when she worries, we all have to fucking worry. Sophie is all she has left."

I feel my eyes tear up when everything I said comes back to me.

'So, you're fucking me and your ex-boyfriend like the whore we all know you are? Do I need to go get tested now?'

'This bitch who I gave my fucking heart to is fucking her ex-boyfriend behind my back.'

'If you hadn't guessed, we're fucking over; whores belong in a whorehouse, not my fucking bed.'

I bend forward, my hands on my knees, breathing heavily. Please, no, fuck, no.

Todd kneels down to look at me. Compassion shines through his eyes, but also a little bit of anger for his friend, his fucking friend, because he's fucking gay, and I shot her down every time she brought him up.

"She loves you, Ink; you have a fight on your hands, but fucking fix it."

I stand straight, breathing hard, and I nod while Axel grips my arm and speaks to Todd, "Do you know where she'll be tonight?"

Todd grins. "Leah knew I was coming here today; she'll ensure Sophie is at the bar until closing, but be prepared because if she finds out Leah's setting her up, then Leah will lose her friend; betrayal is a hard no for our girl."

I sigh in relief while trying to ignore the guilt about Leah, and I nod.

"Thank you, Todd." I rasp, and he nods.

"Just don't fuck it up again because next time I won't be so nice. I might not be able to take you lot on, but I can drop your club at my bank." I nod, accepting the threat because it's for my girl before we shake hands, and then he shakes Axel's about to leave before turning back to me, "By the way, do you know who was on my guest list for my wedding?"

I furrow my brows in confusion. I mean, how in the fuck would I know? I didn't even know he was getting married, let alone was even gay. I thought he was fucking my girl.

He ignores my look and smirks at me. "Phoebe, and yes, she knew who it was to; I had been out of the closet a week after you and Sophie started your relationship when I signed the papers. She's been fucking Sophie's ex on and off since high school, hoping to hurt her. She's always been jealous of Sophie, and I'm guessing seeing you with her brought out the green-eyed monster, and she decided to ignite the fire."

My nostrils flare. "She fucking saw the text; she's the one who showed me Sophie's phone; she saw the message first..."

Todd shrugs before he waves bye and leaves while I look at Axel, and he nods.

"I'll get Hawk to fire her; I'm sure we can find something on the cameras."

I nod and say, "Find the evidence, but don't fire her yet; just let Hawk know the situation. He fucked up with Soph too."

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