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I scowl at her as my dad comes back in before I rip my arm from her grip and get in her face.

"Dinner finished the moment I realized you had my brother fucking abused by his own father growing up, and I'm guessing out of fucking jealousy. Stay the fuck away from me."

My father pulls me back. "Alright, Jackson, that's enough; she's still your mother, my wife; don't talk to her that way."

My anger finally explodes through violence as I swing around and punch my own fucking father in the jaw, making him go flying while Mom screams. I point at him while he looks at me in shock.

"You're a fucking pathetic waste of space. She had you beat your own fucking child for years, used my fuckups to do so, and yet you stand up for her? She fucking starved him, and when he did eat, she fucking made him ill. You're a sad excuse for a fucking father and a former fucking VP who should have lost his fucking patch years ago. You can stay away from me too!"

He quickly gets up and rushes to me, grabbing my arm as I go to walk out. "Listen to me, son, I need to do things according to the book here. She's still my wife, and I still love her. Please, son, see it from my point of view."


His tears fall, but I just shake my head and walk out, listening to my mother's sobs, but fuck her; she's no mother of mine.

I quickly get on my bike and rev her up before spinning out of their drive and the clubhouse, causing several brothers to rush out to see what's happening. Still, I ignore them and go to the one place I know I'll be able to fall apart if she's still not fucking mad at me for basically calling her a slut these past few weeks without realizing it.

Chapter 10


I've just finished cleaning up from dinner when there's a loud knock at my door, and I furrow my brows in confusion. Jackson should still be with his parents and Momma's at work. I know it's not for Leah because she's at the bar tonight.

There's another loud knock, this one more persistent, and I quickly rush over and answer it.

I suck in a breath when I see Jackson standing there with tears in his eyes and pain radiating off him. He looks me in the eyes and rasps,

"Hey Pixie."

The pain in his voice paralyzes me before a tear falls down his cheek, and I snap out of my stupor and grab his arm, pulling him into my apartment. I drag him over to my sofa, pushing him to sit down before I straddle his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck and holding him tightly to me as he falls apart in my arms. Worry traces through me; what happened since I saw him this afternoon?

Once he'd finally calmed down a little while later, with his face in the crook of my neck, he finally told me what was wrong with a rasp, his throat scratchy from his sobs. "My blood brother, Dagger," he said, shaking his head against my neck. "My mom has been mistreating him for years. Everything I've done wrong growing up, she ensured he got the blame; my father even took it far enough to break his wrist, and he was only a kid. Mom has been starving him too, except when she really had to feed him, she ensured to give him food poisoning each and every fucking time."

I freeze in shock,

"For years, I knew something wasn't right, but I never fucking did anything about it. I partied and fucked, and I ignored the situation when it was right in front of my fucking face. You should have seen the looks Mom gave him tonight; she felt fucking proud of the torture he got because of her lies. And now, now. Fuck." He lets out another sob, and I hold him tighter. "Now, he's been called back to duty with the Navy Seals because he's their sniper, even though he's supposed to be retired. We nearly lost him five years ago, and he's just gone back without a problem."

My eyes start to water from his pain, and I hold him as tight as I can and start with his mom, confused about how a mother can treat her son with such hatred. "Why, why would your mom treat her son that way?"

He pulls back from me and furrows his brows. "She's not his mom, Sophie; I told you that."

My eyes widen in shock. "No, Jackson, you never, just like you never told me your brother was a Navy Seal."

He looks me in the eyes, and his widens before he sighs, "Fuck."

I furrow my brows; he never told me about his brother, yet he knows all about my mother and her struggles; he knows about my dad, my ex, and even me paying my mom's mortgage; he knows everything.

What else don't I know about?

He clears his throat. "I'm sorry, Pixie. I thought I told you. Dagger was conceived before Dad got married to Mom. She's clearly jealous that he had a kid with someone else to treat him that way, and he joined the Navy straight out of high school after getting valedictorian. I was the only one there to support him that day because Mom told everyone he failed."

I nod, not knowing what else to say. We've been seeing each other for four weeks, and in that time, I've barely learned anything about him—only that he loves to draw, his age, and that he wants me. That's it, actually; I don't know his favorite color or even his favorite drink.

I haven't met any of his family except for Hawk and Gunner, and that's only because I knew Hawk first, and Gunner was at the bar the night we met; I didn't even know Dagger, who I haven't met yet, is his half-brother. He thinks I'm a cheater and a slut, and every time I try to bring Todd up, he shoots me down. He didn't even tell Phoebe, a woman with whom I have a bad history, that we were dating; he hasn't told anyone.

So, what the hell are we even doing?

Am I just his bed buddy?

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