Page 26 of Ink

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"First of all, I am in love with her; I fucked up, and yet she still came here for me; she's mine, so this has everything to do with her. This also wouldn't be the first time she gave me food poisoning; would it be Stormy? Or ensured I starved for two days as a punishment for something I didn't even do."

Dad sighs, "When are you going to grow up, Travis? You're acting like a child."

My anger grows high; I need fucking Sophie before I explode, which is going to happen soon with Dagger's next fucking question.

"Hey, Ink, who broke Leslie's crystal vase?"

I sit back, keeping my eyes on my mother, who has tensed at his question.

Fuck me, she had him punished for everything I fucking did growing up, didn't she?

I take a deep breath, ready to face the consequences Dag had to face for my actions, and my guilt fucking shoots through me. All the times I did something wrong, and she praised me, fuck me. "I did. I kicked my football into it by accident; mom told me not to worry."

Dag speaks again, but my eyes don't leave my mother, who smirks at his next words, the fucking bitch!

"Yeah, you gave me a split lip for that Stormy while banishing me to my 'room' with no food for the whole day. I'm curious what our club brothers would think if they knew their old VP did that to his own son.

Dad, like a fucking idiot who, for some reason, loves my mother, doesn't back down. "So what? She mistook one bad thing Ink did. We both know the rest were you, Travis; we had evidence."

I snort.

What does he think I was? Some saint, what the actual fuck!

And evidence? It's more like something planted to make Dag look like the guilty party.

What a fucking joke of a VP he was!

Mel bangs her hands on the table, making us all look at her in shock, but her eyes stay on Dad. "Are you fucking kidding me? Have you ever seen your son's body? The scars YOUR wife had caused? How dare you sit there acting all high and mighty when I can guarantee several instances he was punished for what was probably Ink that had caused them and not just small punishments like being grounded or sent to his room? I mean, YOU kicking the shit out of a child for something he never fucking did. You're a blinded fool who shouldn't be allowed to have children, and your wife needs to be locked up in a loony bin. Maybe you can get matching cells."

I go from being confused about Daggers scars because what fucking scars? To try to stop my laughter from escaping at her words as she carried on,

"I've seen his body. I've seen the trauma you let your wife doll out on him. You let her lie and manipulate you, and why? Because she was jealous, you had a baby with someone else."

Dad stands to try and intimidate her, but she doesn't back down.

Dag stands, wrapping his arm around her waist, trying to stop her from attacking our father, which right now, it's not her he has to worry about because I'm about to fucking explode with his ignorance. Mom is sitting there with a smirk, and he hasn't even noticed. "I heard a funny story from Ink last month. Apparently, when he was 11, he set off a bunch of fireworks in school when they told him he wasn't allowed to draw during class hours. I thought it was hilarious, but then I got a little confused because, apparently, your wife knew about the incident, yet he wasn't punished. It seems odd, doesn't it?"

Dad's eyes widen while I stand as the realization hits: Mom didn't just mistreat him and stop him from eating; she had him physically abused by our father for my wrongdoings. No, no, no, fuck no. I don't want to ask, but I need it confirmed. I need my realization confirmed and confirmed now.

"Wait, wait. Wasn't that the same time you broke your wrist, Trav?"

I use his given name, so he knows I'm fucking pissed.

Mel snorts, "He didn't break it, Ink. Can't you see the guilt in your father's eyes while your mother smiles happily at the memory?"

Dad looks at Mom, but I've already seen the look in her eyes. Fuck no.

She puts on her fake tears in an instant, and Dad falls for it, pointing at Mel, "Your lies are not welcome here; you've upset my woman, and I want you fucking out now. You can stay the hell away from my son, too. Devious little cunts like you are not welcome near my family."

Dag goes to attack Dad, but I quickly grab a hold of his arm. He won't be doing the attacking; it'll fucking be me, but before I can make a move, Mel just laughs, "Oh, don't worry, I was just leaving, and by the way, fucker, you're not his dad, you're a nasty piece of shit who doesn't deserve him as a son—who in the hell do you think you are threatening him with his family just to force him to be food poisoned by the witch over there?"

She turns and places a little kiss on Dagger's lips, making him relax before she gives him a gentle smile. She puts her hand on his cheek, her thumb rubbingagainst his stubble. Love like no other shines through her eyes for him, and as I look at Mom, anger and disgust shine through hers.

"I'm going to get Shane to take me home. If I stay here any longer, then I'm going to end up going against my beliefs and stabbing the two people who should have cared for you. Call me later, alright." I look back at them when Mel speaks; he doesn't want to let her go, but she just shakes her head at him, kissing him one more time before leaving the house. I let go of his arm instantly, wanting to fucking wipe that smirk off Mom's face, knowing he's about to wreck her precious plate set, which he does the instant he loses my touch.

He swipes his arm across the table before Mom screams like someone stabbed her fucking cat, making me roll my eyes while Dad shouts at Dagger, making me turn to him with anger.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Travis. You can pay for this shit once you've cleaned it up."

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