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"What's going on? What was that about?"

He's clueless; of course he is. I shake my head.

"For weeks, you have looked at me with suspicion. You want to know where I am and who I'm with. You treat me like I'm some kind of cheater, yet you're the one who pursued me, and I chose you. Every time I try to bring Todd up, you turn into a growly fricking bear, and yet here you are at work withthe one woman who I cannot stand!" I'm breathing heavily through my rant while his eyes are wide, and he clears his throat, ready to talk, but I don't let him; instead, I poke his chest. "You didn't even tell her you're with me; she automatically thought I was there to see Hawk even though I asked for you! Not once have I questioned your loyalty to me, and not once since we started this relationship have I given you reason not to trust me. Todd doesn't count, especially when we're still friends."

He clears his throat again and nods, "OK, I'm sorry if I've been making out like I don't trust you, Pixie, because I do. I do trust you. I just don't like talking about a guy you used to fuck, and I hate that you still talk to him. I get angry, end of. And as for Phoebe, I try not to talk to her because her voice grates me, and I would never go there with her or anyone, but the question is, what did she do to you?"

I shake my head, and he squeezes my hips before I look at him. "My high school boyfriend at graduation—that's who she did—the day after I gave him my virginity, the same day I had found out my father was going to die."

He slowly closes his eyes before holding me close to him and rasping, "I would never do that to you; do you understand me? You and I are meant to be. I felt it the first time I saw you. You're all I want, Sophie. I haven't told people about us except for Hawk, Gunner, and my blood brother Dagger because I don't want them interfering; I don't want them scaring you away, baby; they can become too much."

I sigh and nod, unwilling to argue anymore, especially when he never told Hawk. Plus, what else am I supposed to say when he says that? I think he needs to prove to me that he trusts me and that I'm all he wants because if he doesn't, then I will walk away from him. I won't go through the pain of losing someone you love like my mother is. I lean on my tiptoes and kiss him gently before rasping, "I won't be treated like some kind of whore; if you want me, then you need to trust me and also stop being a hypocrite.

How many women have you fucked in your clubhouse and see every day?"

His eyes widen before he clears his throat and nods, his lips touching mine again before he deepens the kiss, holding me tightly to him before he slows the kiss and rasps.

"I'll be round later after dinner with my folks; I think I have some making up to do."

I smile a little at him because, yet again, he thinks sex will solve everything, but it won't.

He squeezes me tighter. "I will make this up to you. I never meant to make you not feel your worth. I'm sorry, baby, I really am."

I nod before I kiss him again before he opens my Jeep door for me, helping me inside. At the same time, I try not to feel like crap about the fact he never invited me to dinner with his family because, again, he's met my Momma. He kisses me again before shutting the door, and I start my Jeep.

I head home with my heart in my throat.

Relationships can become hard, but not this early on, right?

Once I get to my parking space, I grab my phone and call Todd. He answers after the second ring,

"hey darling"

I smile a little and say, "Hey."

He must hear something in my voice because he sighs. "He still won't let you talk about us, will he?"

I let out a sniffle before I rasped, "No," finding it difficult to see how we can have a relationship when he doesn't trust me, especially when I'm not willing to be a doormat despite falling hard for him.

Chapter 9


I sigh as I walk into my parents' house, not wanting to be here but with Sophie.

How in the fuck did I let her think that I thought she was a whore?

I need to make it right. These past four weeks have been amazing. Every day I'm closer to her, the more I fall for her. She's turning into my light, the reason I breathe. I won't lose her over this miscommunication or my fucking stupidity.

"Baby boy, you're finally here."

I smile at my mother and give her a hug before patting my dad on the back and heading to the blinding white living room.

Fuck, I hate this house—no color whatsoever.

It's why I never let my mother decorate my home that's built next to Daggers.

Every time she comes around, she bitches about it.

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