Page 9 of Dagger

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We all burst out in laughter again at Slicer's comment.

Amen, brother.

Clitter turns around a little while rubbing her ass against my hardening cock. She goes to touch my chest, and I grab her finger while raising a brow.

"You know the rules, Clitter."

She pouts, "But Dagger."

I shake my head at her to remind her of my one rule; otherwise, they don't get me anymore when someone stands next to us. I look up, and my dick instantly deflates.

"Is there a reason why you missed Leslie's party last week, Dagger?"

I sigh and tap Clitter's leg to get off, and she growls in frustration but does as instructed. She stomps off into the kitchen, and I shake my head before I get up and tilt my head, looking down into Momma Cammy's brown eyes. She raises a brow at me when I just cross my arms over my chest, not answering her. I've always respected her despite never trusting me around her son.

"She is your mother, Travis, not the club whore who tried to trap Stormy and ruin his relationship. She raised you, loved you, fed you, and clothed you. She took you in when you were a reminder of her husband's past, despite how you treated her growing up. How hard is it for just one day to make her feel special? Just one day. You're being ungrateful, and it's surprising. I honestly thought you'd grown out of your horrible ways of treating your parents like crap, but I'm obviously wrong. I don't even know why you bothered to return five years ago when you were still acting like an ungrateful child."

My anger grows as she keeps talking while the clubhouse quietens as an old lady puts down their VP in front of them. This is the problem with Cammy; she doesn't stop and think about the consequences of her words or actions. She has no fucking idea what that woman did to me growing up or how Stormy acted despite me trying to tell everyone what was happening behind closed doors. She never believed me, and it took Dead Shot everything in him to convince her to let Axel still be friends with me growing up but still manage to minimize our time together. Yet, I still showed her respect. Respect that she is not showing me in front of my brothers.

I shake my head.

Her bringing up my momma is out of line, too, and she knows that. My momma can't defend herself, and the only reason why Cammy hates her is because she slept with Dead Shot once. I bend so my face is in hers, and she can see my anger, making her eyes widen because I have never shown any anger towards her. I've always thought of her as a mother to me, despite her jabs here and there growing up about my so-called behavior, so this fucking stings. I get she's sticking up for a friend but said friend is an abusive whore.

"I'm here because YOUR son begged me to return to be his VP. I never came back for Stormy or his wife; I came back, leaving my squadron for YOUR son. You are just an old lady. I don't give a shit if you're the president's mother or a woman I USED to fucking look up to; I am the mother fucking VP in this club, and while in these walls, you show me some fucking respect and DON'T ever bring up my momma again. So fucking what she fucked, Dead Shot ONCE; it was before your time, and it wasn't him who knocked her up, so keep your trap shut. Oh, and from now on, Cammy, stay the fuck away from me, or I'll ensure to raise your punishment in church."

Her eyes turn glossy, but I ignore her and move to go around her. Several brothers are looking at us wide-eyed while Tank gives me a nod, and I know he'll tell Dead Shot exactly what his wife just said to me. If he or Axel want to have a go and try and vote me out of the club for talking to Cammy that way, then fucking bring it on; she should never have said a fucking word and should have kept out of it. Leaving this fucking place is looking better and better as the days go on.

I get to my Harley and climb on it, revving her up before heading towards Untamed Girls, knowing I have paperwork to do. It doesn't take me long before I'm packing up and heading inside. Sunny tries to flag me down, but I wave her off, not in the mood right now after my talk with Cammy, and head into my office, leaving a pouty Sunny near the bar. I see all the paperwork, and I sigh, placing my hands on my hips.

I look towards Axel's office, then to my desk again.

Fuck it.

I grab half and make my way over to Axel's office. I unlock the door and put the paperwork on top of his desk before locking his door again and going back into my office, which is definitely much lighter than Axel's dark brown walls. I had the painters paint mine gray at the bottom and white at the top with a dark gray border, then some black square shelves with all the books on them for the club. I smile and sit behind my dark gray desk, looking at the pictureof Jewels and my momma before I crack on with the inventory before I do the shifts, wanting to lose myself for a little while.

About an hour later, my phone rings, and I look at the screen and grin.

"Hey, mom."

I hear the smile in her voice: "Hey baby boy, Peter, and I just wanted to make sure you're still coming to dinner on Sunday."

I snort, "Like you could keep me away; how is Peter doing?"

She hums, "He's doing good, sweetheart. Is there any chance you could help him with the shelving unit? He's adamant he can do it this time."

I chuckle. Jewels and Peter married just before I was deployed, and he's a good guy, just really fucking shit with DIY.

"Of course, I remember the last one he tried to do."

She chuckles. "Yes, that unit only lasted me two days before it broke."

I chuckle again and sit back, relaxing while we catch up. I haven't seen her in a week, so it'll be good to go around there; plus, she and Peter are traveling next month for a while; I need my time with her before they go. When we hang up, my door opens, and I look up to see a disappointed-looking Dead Shot and Flame walk in. I sigh before crossing my arms over my chest.

"Look, I understand she was wrong, but..."

I cut him off instantly. "Wrong? She brought up my momma, calling her a whore. Now, unless you were bullshitting me all those years ago when you told me she only slept with you ONCE and only slept with Stormy a few times because she was more with the club for the money so she could go back to school than for a patched brother, then she had no right to open her mouth."

Flame looks down, not willing to look Dead Shot in the eye because he knows I'm right. Cammy overstepped.

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