Page 11 of Dagger

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They all burst out in laughter, and I head towards the door, hoping they don't realize I just don't want any contact with Cammy for a while. Still, with the way Flame tilts his head, I'm guessing he's quickly figured it out, but I give him a small head shake.

As I get to the door, I hear Dead Shot speak, concerned, etching his voice, and I turn back around with furrowed brows.


I look at him and see he's gone pale, and I step further back into the room while he answers his phone, putting it on speaker.

"Trigger?" Everyone in the room freezes.

There would be only one reason he's calling.

Something happened to Annalise.

Chapter 4


I've just finished getting my coat on when there's a knock on my door, and I furrow my brows. Who in the hell would be here at 6:30 in the morning? I check the peek hole and instantly suck in a breath, stepping away from my door after seeing my mother's hazel eyes. Her black hair is greasy and a mess while her clothes hang off her thin frame, and I swallow hard, looking around my small all-in-one living area, bedroom, and kitchen. It's not much for a newly registered nurse trying to save up to buy a home, but it's perfect for me; plus, it came furnished, and the small bathroom is behind a door.

She knocks again. "I know you're in there, Mel's; open the door now."

I flinch at the nickname that my father used to call me. I haven't heard from him since he walked out the front door while I screamed for him at only 4 years old.

I turn, look towards the small window, and bite my lip. I'm on the second floor, so I know I won't be able to jump through it, and it's already past the time I need to leave to make it on time for work, and I'm in the E.R. this week.


If I go out there, she could follow me to work; if I don't, I could get a disciplinary.

Double shit.

Just as I'm about to open the door, I hear another voice, and I tense. WHAT THE FUCK?

"She's obviously not fucking there, Beth. Let's just go and try again later before the neighbors call the fucking pigs."

It sounds like Harris, Mom's drug dealer and Pimp. I furrow my brows as anger grows.

She brought her fucking drug dealer to my fucking flat.

"No, I refuse to fucking leave; if she doesn't give me the money we need, then you'll pimp her fucking out like you should have done when she grew fucking tits." My mother, my fucking mother, sneers as my eyes widen in shock. She wants to sell me out.


I hear him sigh. "We'll try again later and bring some men to grab her. Come on, I've already seen three people looking out of their fucking doors."

I hear her huff as they both walk away, but I don't move. I stay here for another twenty minutes until I leave my place feeling fucking shocked. She wants me to be pimped out to pay for her fucking drugs. My mind is all over the place, and I wonder, What the fuck happened to my mother? She was amazing when I was small, but as soon as my dad left, she turned into this spiteful, hateful woman.

I shake my head and get into my car.

It's an old baby blue beetle that I got for a steal a few years ago, and I absolutely love it.

I take a deep breath and decide to detour on my way to work, grateful for placing one of those ring doorbell cameras on my door even if it cost me half my paycheck, and I head to the police station. I won't let her try to ruin my life like she has hers.

An hour later, I quickly head to see the charge nurse, Mary, and she raises her brow at me for being forty-five minutes late. I give her a small smile, shut the door to her office, and get right into it.

"My mom is a drug addict, and this morning, she showed up at my flat with her drug dealer. I didn't open the door, but I overheard her telling her drug dealer to pimp me out against my will so she could get her fix. I've been to the sheriff's office; that's why I'm late. I did message Dr. Thomas because I'm on his service today, but he's said he's running late because of a meeting anyway." I pull the letter from David and hand it to her. "This is from the Sheriff."

She gives me wide eyes before rage takes over her features.

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