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I rose from my seat, my gaze meeting hers. As I walked around the table, her eyes fixated on my noticeable baby bump, a sharp gasp escaping her lips. She wasn’t the only one who was surprised. Even my team wasn’t aware.

I stood before her.

"I assure you, Carmella, it is true," I asserted, my voice firm and resolute. "And I didn't need anyone to summon you here. You came on your own."

Carmella's face contorted with a range of emotions, her hands fidgeting nervously. I retrieved the envelope from my desk, handing it to her with a deliberate gesture. Her fingers trembled as she turned it over, her eyes scanning the contents.

"It's your termination letter," I informed her, my voice steady despite the rising tension. "Your services are no longer required here."

Carmella's eyes blazed with fury as she denied my words vehemently.

"You can't do this!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with defiance. "You can't fire me!"

I tilted my head slightly, a small smile playing on my lips.

"I just did," I replied calmly, meeting her gaze with unwavering resolve. "The decision is final."

"Get out of my way!" Carmella barked, storming toward the door in a fit of rage.

I watched her leave, her steps heavy with indignation as she disappeared down the hallway.

As soon as Carmella was out of earshot, Sophia and the others erupted in excited chatter.

"That was so badass!" Sophia exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with admiration. "I didn't know you had it in you, Griselda!"

Luca chimed in, nodding fervently. "Yeah, that was epic! She had it coming."

Amidst the cheers and congratulations, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride.

I felt a familiar sense of comfort as I sat in the VIP room at Andrea's hospital, awaiting the arrival of our little one. Having frequented the hospital for checkups, I had grown accustomed to its halls and facilities.

Emilio and Andrea were in the room with me, their banter creating an amusing background to the otherwise serious atmosphere. Their playful exchange seamlessly transitioned between English and Italian, adding a lighthearted touch to the tension.

However, my laughter was abruptly cut short by a sudden twinge of pain in my lower abdomen. It was unmistakable - the baby was on the way.

The room quickly shifted gears as medical staff rushed in, their calm efficiency reassuring me amidst the intensity of the moment. The VIP room, with its soothing colors and spacious layout, exuded a sense of peace despite the urgency of the situation.

State-of-the-art equipment stood ready, a testament to the hospital's commitment to providing top-notch care.

Emilio's presence was a constant source of support, his alternating words of encouragement in English and Italian creating a sense of calm amid the chaos. The medical staff's precise instructions and soothing reassurances further added to the calming environment as labor progressed.

"Stai andando alla grande, cara(You're doing great, dear)," Emilio murmured, his voice a steady reassurance amidst the whirlwind of sensations.

I held onto his words, finding solace in the familiarity of his support as the labor intensified.

As the contractions grew more frequent and intense, the room seemed to pulse with a shared determination to welcome the newest member of our family. The medical staff's careful guidance and expertise guided me through the birthing process, their steady hands and focused demeanor fostering an environment of trust and security.

Amid the ebb and flow of labor, my body was consumed with a relentless surge of sensations, each wave intensifying the strain and exertion required to bring our child into the world.

The room echoed with the steady rhythm of my breaths, each exhalation punctuated by a quiet yet determined push, as the medical staff provided unwavering support and guidance.

As the labor progressed, the sheer intensity of the experience left me drained, every ounce of energy channeled into the monumental task at hand. The pain, while at times overwhelming, was tempered by the shared sense of anticipation and the knowledge that our child's arrival was imminent.

And then, amidst the whirlwind of emotions and physical strain, a sudden cry filled the room - a resounding announcement of new life entering the world.

Emilio and I exchanged a glance, our eyes brimming with tears of joy and awe at the sight of our precious daughter. Emilio gently cradled our daughter in his arms, his eyes sparkling with pride and tenderness.

"I've already contacted my mom. She's on her way here with some of our men," he informed me, his voice tinged with a mixture of relief and contentment.

I smiled at the thought of his mother meeting our newborn, imagining the joy that would radiate from her. As I watched them together, a name suddenly came to mind.

"Emilio, what should we name her?" I whispered, the exhaustion of labor mingling with the joy of our new arrival.

His gaze softened, and a smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

"Let's name her Chiara.”
