Page 30 of For Us

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"Everyone's got a little bit of darkness inside," he whispered, his breath fogging up the window in front of him. "But some people just can't face it, can they?"

It was this hypocrisy he despised, the lies that people told themselves and others in order to survive. He'd seen it all before, but this woman - her fakery was an insult to everything he believed in. He couldn't let it stand.

"Your time will come," he promised, his voice barely audible over the wind's icy whispers. "And when it does, I'll be there to watch you crumble."

For now, he would wait, watching from the shadows as the nameless woman continued her charade. But the darkness inside him stirred, restless and insatiable, and he knew it wouldn't be long before it found its next target.

The streetlights cast a flickering glow on the wet pavement, casting shadows that danced with every gust of wind. He watched her through the window, fingers tapping impatiently on his thigh as he imagined the look of terror in her eyes when she finally realized the truth. The thought brought him an odd satisfaction, a twisted sense of justice.

"Can't wait to see your perfect little world shatter," he muttered under his breath, his voice barely audible above the distant hum of traffic. He could almost hear the sound of her heart pounding in fear, the sweet taste of panic filling the air.

The phone in his pocket vibrated suddenly, causing him to flinch. He glanced down, reading the message from an unknown number: "Are you ready?" A smirk spread across his face as he typed back, "Always."

He shifted his weight from one foot to another, the dampness seeping through the soles of his boots. The air was thick with the scent of rain and exhaust fumes, a suffocating reminder of the city's corruption. As the minutes ticked by, the anticipation swelled within him, threatening to burst free. He couldn't help but feel a thrill at the prospect of exposing her lies, her deceit.

"Tonight, everything changes," he vowed to himself, his voice low and unwavering. "No more hiding behind that mask of yours, sweetheart."

As the clock struck midnight, he saw her stand up from her desk, collect her belongings, and disappear into the back room. His heart raced with anticipation, knowing that her shift was over.

"Showtime," he whispered, stepping out of the shadows and crossing the street. He reminded himself to stay calm, to keep his emotions in check. After all, there was no turning back now. Tonight, he would put an end to her facade, and whatever twisted future she had planned for herself would be extinguished by his hand.

"Goodbye, my dear," he said softly as he approached the building, a predatory gleam in his eyes. "Your charade ends tonight."


Morgan slammed the door shut behind her, her frustration echoing off the walls of her small home. Skunk, her loyal Pitbull, bounded toward her, his tail wagging excitedly as he sensed her arrival. She ruffled his fur affectionately, trying to force a smile.

"Hey, buddy," she murmured, tossing her keys onto the table by the door. But even Skunk's presence couldn't shake the weight of the argument with Derik from her mind. Why did he care so much? Was it merely jealousy, or was there something more?

"Persistent bastard," she muttered under her breath as she moved through the living room, Skunk trailing behind her.

She glanced around the familiar space, noting the cold coffee cup on the table and the stacks of case files covering every available surface. Morgan sighed, realizing that there was still no progress in the case. It felt like she was running on a treadmill – expending all her energy but getting nowhere. And she needed to eat something.

Skunk's big brown eyes followed Morgan as she paced the living room. The frustration of her unresolved argument with Derik was still weighing on her, and she couldn't shake off the feeling that he was keeping something important from her, which would be nothing new. As she continued to pace, Skunk let out a small whine of concern.

Morgan weighed her options. She needed to keep working the case, but she also needed to break for dinner, and she also wanted some damn answers on all the things Derik had been hiding from her. The men who framed her… she knew Derik would never tell.

But maybe there was someone else she could go to for help.

No, what are you thinking?she asked herself.

I could just go quickly… not too long.

Not to distract from the case.

At that moment, Morgan decided it. She couldn't focus on this weighing on her mind. She could be fast.

"Sorry, buddy," she said, pausing to give him a reassuring pat. "I'm just... I need answers."

With a sigh, Morgan flopped onto her couch and pulled out her phone. Her thumb hovered over Thomas's contact information, hesitating for a moment before tapping it. She needed help, and if Derik wasn't going to provide it, perhaps Thomas could.

Swallowing her guilt at using him, she sent him a text asking if he was free to meet up for dinner.


"Hi, Morgan," Thomas greeted her warmly as she entered the semi-casual restaurant, standing up from his seat at a booth near the back. His smile was genuine, but she couldn't help feeling like a fraud as she returned the gesture. There was only one reason she was here, and it wasn’t to have a real date with Thomas.

"Hey, Thomas," she replied, sliding into the booth across from him. She forced herself to focus on the present, hoping that her desperation for information wouldn't be too obvious. “I actually don’t have much time. I need to get back to work, but I need to eat too.”

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