Page 26 of For Us

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He was a cyber security expert, after all. He might be able to help her find out about who framed her.

On one hand, she recognized that Thomas could potentially help her uncover the truth about her father's time at the FBI, as well as who had framed her for murder all those years ago. His hacking skills were unparalleled, and she couldn't deny that there was a part of her that wanted – needed – to know the answers to the questions that had haunted her for so long.

But on the other hand, she couldn't shake the feeling that using Thomas for his abilities would be wrong. He was clearly into her, and she didn't want to take advantage of his feelings just to satisfy her own curiosity and thirst for justice. The guilt gnawed at her insides, making her stomach churn with unease.

Morgan's gaze flicked between the coffee machine and Thomas, the steam from her cup mingling with her conflicting thoughts. Taking a deep breath, she made her decision.

"Thomas," she began, turning to face him fully. "I'll think about your offer, but right now, I need to focus on the case." She hesitated before adding, "I can't promise anything more."

A grin spread across his face, his eyes lighting up like stars in the night sky. "That's fine by me, Morgan. I can wait for the right person. Just let me know if you change your mind."

"Thank you," she replied, relieved that he didn't seem offended or hurt by her response. She took a sip of her coffee, allowing the bitter liquid to ground her thoughts and bring her back to the present moment.

The sound of the break room door creaking open caught her attention, and Morgan glanced over to see Derik entering the room, his brow furrowed as he surveyed the scene before him. His eyes locked onto Thomas, and something dark flashed in their depths.

"Excuse me," Derik said curtly, his voice barely concealing the anger simmering beneath the surface. He directed his glare at Thomas, who seemed to understand the unspoken message.

"Of course," Thomas replied, raising his hands in surrender. "I'll just… go get back to work." With one last lingering look at Morgan, he turned on his heel and left the room, leaving her alone with Derik.

Morgan frowned, watching as Derik approached her with an air of determination, his footsteps echoing on the tiled floor. She couldn't shake the feeling that whatever conversation they were about to have would only add fuel to the fire that had been burning between them since her return.

She mentally prepared herself for another confrontation, taking a slow, deliberate sip of her coffee as Derik came to a stop in front of her. She could feel his eyes boring into her, searching for answers she wasn't sure she wanted to give.

"Derik," she said quietly, steeling herself for the storm she knew was brewing. "Let's just focus on the case."

Morgan turned back to the coffee machine, her hands shaking slightly as she poured herself another cup. The hot liquid splashed against the sides of the mug, and she tried to ignore the tension radiating from Derik's rigid stance beside her.

"Really, Morgan?" he asked through gritted teeth, his voice barely more than a growl. "You're seriously thinking about going on a date with that guy?"

Morgan felt her anger rising like steam from her coffee. She didn't appreciate being spied on, especially by someone who had betrayed her trust in the past. She shot him a glare and narrowed her eyes. "First of all, I never said I was going on a date with him. I said I'd think about it."

"Whatever," he scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "It's not like you have great judgment when it comes to men."

"Excuse me?" Morgan set her mug down on the counter with a little more force than necessary, causing coffee droplets to splash onto the countertop. "That's rich coming from you, Derik."

"Hey, I'm just trying to look out for you," he retorted defensively, his eyes narrowing.

"Since when is eavesdropping 'looking out for me'? Last time I checked, my personal life is none of your business." She knew she should be focusing on the case, but the fury bubbling inside her wouldn't let her walk away from this fight. Not yet.

Derik's jaw tightened, and for a moment, he seemed lost for words. His gaze bore into her, a mixture of hurt and frustration flickering behind his stormy eyes. "Just because we've had our differences doesn't mean I don't still care about you, Morgan."

"Then show it by respecting my privacy and staying out of my personal life," she said through clenched teeth.

"Fine," he snapped, throwing his hands up in defeat. "You want me to stay out of it? I will."

"Good." Morgan grabbed her coffee and turned away from him, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing how much this confrontation had rattled her. She could feel his eyes on her as she left the room, but she refused to look back. There was a killer to catch, and no amount of personal drama was going to stand in her way.

The coffee machine sputtered to life, filling the air with the bitter scent of freshly brewed java. Morgan's hands trembled slightly as she gripped her cup, feeling the heat seep through the thin cardboard and into her skin. She needed that warmth, that liquid courage to steady herself after the heated exchange with Derik.

"Special Agent Cross," a young officer called out, interrupting the tense silence between her and Derik. He stood in the doorway, his uniform crisp and a folder clutched in his hand. "Your suspect is in the interrogation room, waiting."

Morgan met Derik's gaze, her expression hardening. "We'll finish this later," she told him, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves. "Right now, I have a killer to catch."

She strode past the young officer, her heels clicking against the linoleum floor with purpose. The precinct was abuzz with activity, but all she could hear was the pounding of her own heart and the thoughts racing through her mind. Was this really the man responsible for the gruesome murders? Would they finally bring justice to those innocent victims?

As Morgan approached the interrogation room, she took a moment to gather her thoughts. She couldn't let her personal issues with Derik cloud her judgment. This was too important. She had to be focused, relentless, and unyielding. She glanced down at her coffee, the swirling darkness within mirroring the storm brewing inside her. With a decisive nod, she set the cup aside and marched into the interrogation room, ready to face whatever lay ahead.


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