Page 34 of Tribulation Pass

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“Hattie, I can speak for everyone in this room that you’ve made our lives brighter and better since we’ve known you. You’re one of the strongest and most incredible people I’ve ever met. You’ve charmed me and Winston, which is not easy to do considering present company tends to call us both temperamental and standoffish.”

“You can say that again,” Mick called out, making everyone laugh.

“And maybe I should give a quick shout-out to Atticus as well,” Duncan said, toasting his cousin. “Because you gave Hattie a place and a family when she needed one most. I’ll forever be grateful.”

Atticus was still standing beside her and he raised his glass in salute even though his smile was tight.

“So…” Duncan said, clearing his throat. “I was going to wait until later to do this, but the timing seems right, and all the people I love most in the world are in the room. Even Wyatt.”

Hattie gasped audibly and it felt like molten lead was coursing through her veins. The room started to spin. She felt Atticus move in closer, steadying her by putting a hand on her elbow, and she was almost positive he uttered a word under his breath that wasn’t used in polite company.

“Hattie Jones,” Duncan said.

The utterance of the name that didn’t belong to her had her closing her eyes in shame. Maybe if she closed her eyes this would all go away.

“I’ve loved you since the day I met you. I never understood what it was to be in love. To be in another person’s presence and feel your soul answer the call of theirs. To know without a shadow of a doubt that you’d move anywhere, go anywhere, or be anywhere just to stay in their presence.

“I can’t imagine living the rest of my life without you.” Duncan took a ring box out of his pocket and someone grabbed the champagne out of his hand so he could open the box. And then he got down on one knee.

“Oh, God,” Hattie said, just as the crowd started to cheer.

“Will you marry me?” Duncan asked, love shining in his eyes as bright as the diamond he held.

“Pretend to faint,” Atticus said. “Now.”

It wasn’t very hard to pretend.


Hattie feltAtticus’s arms come around her, and they were moving quickly through the crowd and out of the main hall. He bumped open the doors to what looked like a men’s lounge and laid her on a leather sofa.

Several people came rushing in after them, asking if she was okay. And then she heard Duncan’s voice as he tried to get through, and she closed her eyes again.

“Sorry, kiddo,” Atticus said. “It won’t work a second time. It’s time for both of us to face the music.”

Hattie sat up carefully so she was propped against the arm of the couch, and someone handed her a bottle of water. Someone else put a cool washcloth on the back of her neck. All the faces that stared back at her were filled with love and concern

“Sorry about that,” she said, looking up in Duncan’s parents’ faces. Wyatt and Raven had also come in, along with his aunt and uncle. And then Duncan’s brother Colt pushed his way through.

“Let me take a look at her,” Colt said.

Hattie winced, forgetting that Colt was a doctor. The last thing she wanted was anyone poking at her.

“No, it’s okay,” she said, holding up her hands. “I’m fine. I was just…overwhelmed. And I forgot to eat lunch today. We got busy at the store.”

“Well, no wonder,” Anne said, pressing her hand against Hattie’s cheek gently and then moving out of the way so Duncan could sit next to her.

There was worry in his eyes, and she hated that she was the cause of it. She could only hope it wouldn’t turn to hatred by the time she was through telling him the truth.

Hattie took a deep breath, but before she could summon the courage Atticus spoke up. “I think we need a moment of privacy with Duncan. I need to explain why I brought Hattie here. We’ll need to explain it to all of you eventually, but to Duncan first.”

There were somber nods of agreement and the rest of the family filed out of the room and closed the door behind them.

“I’ve been trying to get hold of you to ask questions,” Duncan told Atticus.

Atticus’s smile was sharp. “I know. I’ve been avoiding you. You know what I do for a living, and I don’t like lying to family. It was easier to just avoid your calls until the time was right.”

“And why is the time right now?” Duncan asked.

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