Page 48 of Unexpected

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“Thanks, man.” I gratefully took it, screwed the top off, and guzzled half of it. “It’s been a few weeks since I’ve worked out. I managed to leave home without anything.”

“The stroller makes it easy to bring multiple,” the guy said.

“How old’s your boy?”

There was a strange hesitation before he said, “Eight months.”

“I have a five-month-old girl.”


“Same to you,” I said. Then for some reason, I continued, “I just found out about her a couple of weeks ago when my ex dropped her off with me and ran.”

“You must be Knox Breckenridge.”

I whipped my head toward him, taken aback.

“There was something about it on the town app, appropriately known as the Tattler.”

I nodded. “Right. That. Yeah, I’m Knox.” I reminded myself this was what I’d signed up for when I’d moved to a small town. I’d been a doubly hot topic for being related to the Henry family and for having Juniper land in my life. I didn’t spend much time on the app other than to see what the specials were at the restaurants.

“I’m Max Dawson.” He held out a hand, and I shook it.


“This here is Daniel.” Max leaned forward and straightened the blanket on the infant. “He’s my cousin’s son. If you spend any time on the Tattler, you might’ve read that my cousin and his wife died a few months ago. They’d named me as guardian, so I’ve been making the shift from uncle to dad.”

I blew out another breath, finally feeling like my lungs were functioning again. “Damn. I’m sorry for your loss and his.” I nodded toward Daniel. “That’s a tough situation.”

“Yeah. Thanks.” He stared at the baby, seeming lost in memories. “I guess you and I have something in common. Instant parenthood.”

“I guess we do. I’d say we should run together, but I normally go to the gym. I don’t have a jogger for Juniper yet.”

“I go to the gym sometimes, but there’s no childcare this early.”

“Right. I hadn’t thought of that. I have a nanny.”

“I’ve thought about trying to find one. It doesn’t seem like an easy task in a town this small. How’d you find yours?”

“Sheer luck,” I said. “She was a server at Henry’s. Right after I found the baby, I headed to the restaurant because I was late for a meeting. I know, makes zero sense, but I wasn’t thinking straight. Quincy was working and knew what to do with a baby. I had no clue.”

“Quincy. That’s not Quincy Yates, is it?”

“It is. You know her?”

“Everyone knows the Yateses. I teach at the high school. I had her in class my first year of teaching.”

“Oh, yeah?” I did my best to act nonchalant, but my guilty conscience wouldn’t let my brain forget about the naked woman likely still in my bed.

“She’s a great girl. Took care of her younger siblings all the time, from what I understand, so I imagine she’s a damn good nanny.”

“She is. I don’t know what I’d do without her.”

All the more reason not to sleep with her again.

Max checked his watch. “It’s about time for me to head home so I can get ready for work.”

“I need to do the same,” I said, and we both stood.
