Page 43 of Unexpected

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But it so was.

His hand was strong, masculine, warm.

I hated to let go, but once I was upright, I did, becauseno big deal.

Forcing my mind to something besides him, I asked, “When’s the last time you fed—”

My foot caught on the leg of the ottoman just as I started moving forward, and somehow I went flying forward into Knox. His hands landed on my arms to steady me, but then we were both going down. The next thing I knew, I was sprawled half on top of him, chest to chest, my foot throbbing, adrenaline racing through my veins, my heart pounding for an altogether different reason. I tried to get my brain unstunned.

“Shit,” he said. “Are you okay?”

“I think so. Are you?”

A second or two passed as he seemed to assess. “I’m fine.”

“I’m so sorry. I’m such a klutz. Always. God.” I closed my eyes in embarrassment. “You didn’t hit your head?”


As I peered into his eyes to make sure he was telling the truth, our gazes got caught up again, and my embarrassment slid away as heat and awareness rushed in.

His eyes were intense, the pupils so big that the blue was only a thin ring as he stared up at me, neither one of us moving. Without thinking, I glanced at his lips. They were slightly parted, and I instantly wondered what it would feel like to kiss a man with facial hair, as my ex had been almost obsessive about shaving.

My cheeks grew warm, and I flicked my gaze back up to his. He hadn’t moved, still looked back at me, our faces only inches apart. With the smallest lean in on my part, my lips would be on his. Just a subtle shift forward to learn his taste, feel his textures, breathe his scent.

There was a tiny voice in my head saying kissing him would be inappropriate. He was my employer. He was considerably older than me. It would be wrong.

Knox didn’t move away.

Nothingfeltwrong. Everything felt extremely right, including his solid body below mine.

Ignoring the voice, I leaned in and touched my lips to his.



As soon as Quincy’s lips touched mine, the embers that’d been smoldering for days exploded. Lust pumped through my veins.

My arms went around her, and I drowned in the warmth of her lips, her floral scent, her sweet taste. There was no hesitancy in her kiss, as if she knew what she wanted and was going after it. Not going to lie, that was a rush in itself: that this young, gorgeous woman wantedme.

I roved my hands over her curves, her waist, reveling in her feminine softness even through her clothing. My fingers itched to inch her shirt up so I could touch her flesh, feel her heat directly. I wanted to peel her leggings off and strip her naked, roll her over and take her right there on the floor. As lost in her as I was though, I knew that wasn’t an option.

I raised up on an elbow, palmed her cheek, and managed to break the contact of our mouths even though I never wanted the kiss to end.


Her lids slowly rose halfway. “Knox.”

Trailing one of my hands over her back, I shook my head. “We can’t do this.”

Her brows went up, her pretty, blue-green eyes seeming to focus more clearly on me, and she surprised me by smiling. “It seems like we can do this pretty well.”

A lock of blond hair fell, draping over her cheek, onto me. I pushed it back and tried to summon all my willpower. “You work for me.”

She tilted her head slightly, a spark of amusement lighting up her eyes. “I do, yes.” Her voice was higher pitched than usual, just louder than a whisper. Magical, as if she was weaving a spell over me. “I’m the one who started this. That switches up the dynamics. Makes it okay. Unless you don’t want to kiss me.”

“I want to kiss you.” The words poured out of me before I could think through whether they should. Fighting the effect she had on me, I managed, “It wouldn’t be right though.”
