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Climbing up on one of the barstools, I stared at the empty area behind the bar. I was the only one sitting at the bar, and I was struggling to ignore the stares from the man who’d gawked at me when I walked in. I was too nervous about seeing Bo again to worry about that.

Suddenly, Bo shot through the door that led to the back like a cannon, a tray full of food balanced on one hand. He didn’t even glance in my direction, so apparently, I’d gone unnoticed.

I stared down at the menu I’d grabbed from one of the holders, my hands trembling. This man had seen me naked. He’d watched me orgasm not once, but twice. I was ashamed. Embarrassed. Humiliated. There weren’t enough adjectives to describe the many ways I was mortified right now.

“You probably should go help that young lady at the bar,” I heard one of the guys say, his voice rising above the discussions happening all around.

I held my breath as I listened for a response, but none came. A minute or so later, Bo appeared in my peripheral vision, coming around the bar to stand right in front of me.

“You okay?” he asked.

I looked up from the menu and did my best to hold a neutral expression. “Fine. I just got a little hungry, and I heard this was the only restaurant in town.” I forced my mouth into a smile. “I think I’ll try the grilled chicken salad.”

He leaned forward a little, and my heart shifted into double time. This was where he’d totally miss my cue that I was embarrassed and mention something about last night. Maybe I should just forget about finishing my assignment and get out of this town. I could tell Bo’s father that he didn’t have to pay me for yesterday’s work and hope he didn’t ask questions.

“I can’t recommend the grilled chicken salad,” Bo said. “It’s just not very good. How about a cheeseburger?”

Trying to ignore the magnetic pull I had toward him, I shook my head. My stomach clenched at the thought of eating greasy food.

“Do you have something on the light side?” I asked. “We have a lot of work to do this afternoon, and I don’t want to be weighed down.”

My tone was all business. I should make it clear that he could just forget everything that had happened between us. I planned to keep it professional from now on.

There was just one problem with that. I didn’t want a professional relationship with him. Maybe it was because he’d been my first time, but I didn’t think so. We’d had a connection. I’d felt it, and I was pretty sure he had too. Not only was he the first man to ever see me naked, but I wanted him to be the last, and I didn’t know how to make that work when I’d been hired by his father.

No matter which way you looked at it, having sex with the client’s son was ahugeno-no.

“I’ll fix you something up,” Bo said.

He winked at me, then turned and headed through the doorway he’d just entered. Back toward the kitchen, prep area, and his office. The office where we’d shared a moment more powerful than anything I could have ever imagined.

As I waited for Bo to return with whatever lunch he was dreaming up for me, I realized I was thirsty, and he hadn’t taken my drink order. I could fix that. I hopped off the stool and walked around, pouring myself a water and adding a couple of lemon wedges. I was about to head back to my seat when that now-familiar slap of the door caught my attention. Someone else was entering—a brunette in a ski jacket.

At first, I assumed she was a skier. The hotel was full of them. But then she started waving at some of the guys. Plus, the way she strode straight to the bar and climbed up on one of the stools told me she was no newbie here.

“Hi,” she said with a bright smile.

She was beautiful—stunning. As she shrugged out of her coat, I saw she had the body to match the face. Curves for days and lightly tanned skin that made me feel like a ghost in comparison.

“Is Bo around?” she looked behind me, straight at the door he’d passed through.

No telling how long I stood there, staring at her like she didn’t speak my language. Long enough that she shifted her gaze back to me and her smile faltered.

“He’s in the back for a minute,” I finally managed to say. “You want me to go get him?”

She was eyeing me closer now, no doubt wondering who I was. There was nothing possessive or jealous about the look, though, which told me she was a bigger person than I was.

Yes, I was definitely jealous of her.

“I can tell him you’re here.” I gestured toward the back. “He was just putting my lunch order in.”

He was making it for me, actually. It seemed like he was doing something special. But I didn’t want to tell her that if she was his girlfriend, or even someone romantically interested in him. She probably wouldn’t be too happy about him going to extra trouble for one of his female customers.

“No, I wanted to surprise him,” she said. “I’ll just wait for him to come out. Do you work here now?”

At first, it confused me that her gaze lowered to my chest, but then I realized she was searching for a name tag. Bo didn’t wear one, but the kitchen guys had them on. Which was weird, considering they didn’t interact with customers at all, from what I’d seen.

“I’m helping out his father,” I said. “It’s a long story.”

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