Page 21 of Scandalous Liaison

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“If you’re so into being honest,” Stella teased, “then you go first about Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Handsome.”

“She’s right,” Morgan added.

All three girls leaned in, and I hissed. “Fine. He was across the aisle from me on the plane and we… talked. He’s actually not a very nice man. In fact, he’s an asshole, but sexy eye candy. Extremely possessive. And he smells like a dream.” I was digging such a huge hole for myself. “That’s it. We chatted. I slapped him. He patronized me.”

The three girls glanced at each other, and Trinity rolled her eyes first. “Right. And you flew here economy class. Right?”

“What’s that mean?”

“That means you’re blushing.” Morgan pointed and I cringed. They laughed. I wanted to crawl under the table. “What really happened?” When I remained quiet, she popped me on the arm.

“Spill it or else.”

I popped the last olive into my mouth, taking my time chewing it. “Let’s just say I had an experience I won’t forget in the tiny airplane bathroom.” I held my breath, lifting my eyebrows as I studied my besties. The looks of shock turned into ones of awe.

“Oh. My. God.” I didn’t think the three girls could squeal any louder, on cue and in unison too. I had a feeling dozens of people heard them. The insult was pushed to an entirely different level when Stella slapped my arm.

“You fucked him? The Mile High Club? I am soooo jealous.” Morgan seemed beside herself, fanning her reddened face. “I thought you didn’t have it in you any longer.”

“Very funny and a little louder please so he can hear every word you’re saying.” I wasn’t prone to falling into fits of embarrassment, but the impetuous decision had been very odd for me. Still, I tingled from the thought of his hard cock sliding inside.

And the savage spanking he’d given me. Every time I moved, I was reminded of the intensity of our actions. Morgan leaned in and I could tell she had something on her mind.

“You know. Then he’s the perfect candidate to take as your new fiancé. I know that’s what you want to do.”

I thought about the little promise I’d made to Mother Nature or God or something in the heavens. He could be the perfect choice but not without learning more about him. I envisioned putting together questionnaire and rolled my eyes.

Frowning, I turned my head ever so slowly in her direction. “He’s not the type. Trust me. He’s all about taking control, being in charge, dominating the hell out of me and you know I can’t stand a man like that.”

“You don’t have to marry him for real. Just make him a proposition he can’t refuse,” Trinity said with a mischievous lilt in her voice.

“I can’t do that. He’s obviously someone of importance. Or he acts like he is. For all I know, he’s a pauper.” Something about the story he’d told me about his father gave me the impression he had more money than God.

“There’s an easy way to find out,” Morgan said.

“Ask to see his financials,” Trinity suggested, bursting into laughter.

“I can’t do that! It’s not… polite. Besides, I’m not certain my father won’t see through the ruse. Then I’d be even more humiliated than returning a divorced woman.” Although the idea wasn’t a bad one. My thoughts drifted to the dude my father had wanted me to marry. What if he was asked to come to the wedding events? What if a new contract had been written? Oh, God. I thought about the risks and rewards, more uncertain what to do than ever. “Plus. You know how secretive my father is about business and anyone who enters the fold. My father will insist on a background check, and I doubt Mr. Mystery Man will endure that.”

“How can your father do that if you just show up with him on your arm?” Stella’s question had merit. Given the festivities, my father wouldn’t have time to delve into the man’s past.That’s what he has minions for.Ugh. True enough. His attorney could find out anything about anyone in a matter of hours. Things were going from bad to worse.

However, there was the awkward fact we didn’t know a thing about the other. At least nothing tangible. I knew what his favorite food and drink was. I’d heard about a sailing trip he’d been on. And we compared notes on an overrated action flick. That wasn’t fiancé material.

“True but I honestly don’t know his name.” The admittance made me laugh. Heat rose across my jaw and my pussy started to throb all over again.

“Girl. You are our heroine. To the girl least likely to have a one… afternoon stand. Ooh-la-la.” Trinity lifted her glass and I held my head high. I guess I could cross something off my bucket list.

As we toasted to my scandalous liaison, Morgan appeared more serious as she leaned over the table. “Talk to me about what you’re really trying to do. This isn’t just about the wedding of the year in Napa Valley.”

“I could never get anything by you.” I glanced out the window at the neon lit buildings and twinkling lights of the city. On one of the rare occasions my mother took me with her on a shopping spree, we always stayed in the hotel, and I’d beg to come see the view from the bar. Given the amount of money my family had, the power and influence they wielded, the wish was always granted even when I was underage.

“Nope. Spill it. If you fucked a stranger on a plane, you’re very upset about something.”

I laughed nervously, which wasn’t like me, and polished off my drink. When a waiter appeared out of the shadows, placing a fresh martini in front of me, I realized how pathetic I’d become over the last few months. “I’m worried my father will try and set me up again.”

“You’re almost thirty years old. He can’t force you into marrying someone you don’t want to.” Morgan rolled her eyes then noticed my expression. “I forgot who your father was. Is that it? If so, Mr. Stud Muffin really is perfect.”

“I wish that was it. My father dangled a carrot regarding the business in my face a few weeks ago. He’s considering hiring a vice president of operations from outside the family.”

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