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‘Better?’ Leo frowned. ‘There’s no one better than you. She’s different but certainly not better. Please don’t ever think that.’

Erin brushed her gloved hand over her cheeks, wiping away the tears. ‘I guess I knew this was coming. It was bound to happen at some point. It just took me by surprise today.’

She met Leo’s gaze and the kindness she saw there, as well as something else that she wasn’t quite sure how to take, made her smile. ‘You’re so kind, Leo. Thank you for what you said.’

‘I’m not being kind or saying it for the sake of it, Erin. I’m telling you the truth. You are a wonderful person, an amazing daughter, sister and friend. And you’re more than that… You’re beautiful, kind, special, sweet, lovely, and I, for one, would love to have you in my life. Permanently. And I mean as more than a friend.’

She gazed at him, from his black beanie to his broad shoulders encased in his black wool coat to the dark stubble that covered his square jaw. He was utterly beautiful. Inside and out. She’d made the wrong choice with Billy and she wouldn’t do that again.

The Instagram post she’d seen had been on Billy’s account. It had been of him and his girlfriend smiling as she held her hand up for the camera to show off an emerald and diamond engagement ring. Billy had been holding a sign that said:SHE SAID YES!!!It had been a shock at first, but now, as Leo took hold of her hands and held her gaze, she knew that everything was as it was meant to be.

Life moved on. People moved on. She was moving on.

‘I’m scared,’ she said. ‘I don’t want to be scared but I can’t help it.’

‘Me too.’ He nodded. ‘There’s a lot to lose because of our history and our family connection.’

‘There is.’

‘But you know what?’ He smiled broadly. ‘I think it means that there’s even more to gain. So, Erin, will you give us a chance?’

She closed her eyes.

Breathed in.


Opened her eyes and smiled at Leo.

‘I would love to see where this goes.’

Leo lowered his head and kissed her in a way that made her skin tingle delightfully.

When he raised his head again, he said, ‘Now shall we feed the birds then get home because my toes are starting to go numb?’

They looked down at the snow drift he’d somehow stepped in and laughed.

‘That’s a very good plan,’ Erin replied.

Leo wrapped an arm around her shoulders and they walked over to the chopped logs that served as bird feeders and sprinkled the food there then they made their way back to Sunflower Street to tell Erin’s family their good news.


‘Merry Christmas!’ Leo said as he covered Erin’s face with kisses.

‘Morning! What time is it?’ she asked, pushing up on her elbows.

Leo grabbed his phone from the bedside table and checked. ‘Just after six.’

‘In the morning?’

‘Well, yes… unless we slept through the day.’

She laughed and nudged him. ‘Less of that, thank you. Why are you awake so early?’

‘It’s Christmas Day and I’m excited.’

‘You are?’

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