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Emma laughed until her face turned red, and I went ahead to fill her in on the latest happenings in my life. I told her about the war, the shootout at the mall, and discovering my half-brother.

She gasped. “You have a brother?”

My smile faltered. “I had.”

I told her all about his evil plot to kill me and Nikolai, but I didn’t get into much detail. While I talked more, revealing more experiences in the past few months, I realized that I was not the same person I was once. Something had changed inside me; I felt bolder, more daring, and stronger.

“It’s like a hundred degrees in here,” I tugged at my sweater. “What is this? Do you want to toast your growing baby?”

I guffawed and pulled off the sweater. “I have a secret to share.”

“I’m all ears.”

“Promise not to tell anyone, but I can shoot a gun now.”

Her eyes twinkled brightly, and I saw past her pretentious gasp. “No way...”

“You’re surprised?”

“No, silly. I kind of pieced it together after Nikolai sent for me. If you stayed this long with him, that means you’re all badass and stuff,” she smiled. “You love him, don’t you?

It took a moment for me to respond, but when I did, it was the genuine answer of my heart.

Emma and I spent the entire afternoon catching up on both relevant and irrelevant things. Seeing her again was like a breath of fresh air, and when she had to leave later that evening, we said goodbye relieved that we’d see each other again soon.

I couldn’t just remain in the room, surrounded by all the quiet, so I stepped out and headed to a place more calming. The pool.

Now dressed in a tank top and shorts, I tucked my hands into the pockets and glimpsed the beautiful sky. Dusk approached and the sun lowered below the horizon. The heat of the afternoon had considerably gone down, giving room for the cool evening breeze effect.

The glistening water’s surface reflected the fading colors in the sky, and I stood at the edge, kicked off my sandals, and felt the cold tiles with my bare feet. I lowered myself, sat on the tiles, and dipped my legs into the pool. Beside me, a tall figure with short dark hair and broad shoulders was already seated.

He swooshed his leg through the water, sending gentle ripples across the surface, and I inhaled the cool, crisp evening air.

He turned to me and his blue eyes pierced through mine, silently comforting me. I placed my head on his shoulder, and he put an arm around me, drawing me closer.

“What are you doing out here?” I asked. “This doesn’t look like your natural habitat.”

He laughed softly. “So, I’m a caves and dungeons guy?”

“More like warehouses, nightclubs, and hidden islands,” I shrugged.

He scoffed. “Not bad. Sitting by the pool like an ordinary man could be my thing too, you know?”

“Hey, no judgment here. You can do whatever you want. I’ll be here to support you. Even if you turn out to be a dungeons guy.”

He pressed a kiss on my forehead. “And that sounds convincing, Giselle. Thank you for believing in me. However, I came out to clear my head. I’ve had a lot to think about,” he said. “And you? I thought you were determined to stay cooped up in there.”

“Same. I came out to clear my head. I’ve had a lot to think about as well. Having Emma here did me a lot of good. Thank you for bringing her,” my voice traveled in a faint echo around us.

He kissed my hair and stared back out at the water. “And thank you for saving my life two days ago. You were brave out there, Giselle. I was terrified, yet so proud of you.”

I inhaled his soothing, husky scent. “Teaching me a few lessons finally paid off, didn’t it?”

“It did,” he concurred with a sigh, and we settled in the peace between us once more.

The pool’s lights cast a soft, ethereal glow and I teased the water surrounding us with a move of my leg.

“Do you regret it?” I heard him ask.

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