Page 8 of Claiming Charity

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“You spent enough Christmases in the Pine household to appreciate our love of the season,” I remind him softly.

I immediately regret the words as a dark shadow falls over Ryder’s face. I know we’re both thinking of Luke. How long will Ryder continue to blame himself for his death?

I place a hand over Ryder’s, my eyes on his. “He’d want us to enjoy it. He wouldn’t want us to be sad. He made it easy to love Christmas, and I won’t let go of that.”

Ryder nods, his eyes searching mine. “I’m glad you can still enjoy it.”But I can’t.

He doesn’t say the words, but they remain unspoken between us. Poor, tortured man. He has so much guilt weighing on his shoulders. I wish he could find a way to release it. Luke wouldn’t have wanted him tormenting himself like this. I want to pull him into my arms, kiss away the sorrow around his eyes, and absorb some of his pain.

We continue to the checkout, and everything is bagged and ready to take back to the set. Ryder grabs the bags, and we head back to his truck.

“What made you want to do this for a living?” he asks, wedging the bags between the side of his truck and the tree.

His question takes me by surprise. He’s always supported my career, but we’ve never discussed it in detail. “It’s what I’m good at, and I’m usually left to get on with my work without electrocuting myself and bursting into flames.”

“Right.” He gives me a look before pulling out of the parking spot.


“You attract disaster.” He laughs.

“I do no such thing,” I object, unwilling to admit he may have a point.

Ryder laughs harder and shakes his head.“What about the time you got snagged up in that barbed wire fence, and Luke and I had to cut you—and your hair—free? Or the winter you fell in the river trying to reach a stray kitten on the other side and ended up in bed with the flu? And then there was—”

“Okay, okay!” I hold up a hand to interrupt him. “I’m a little unlucky, is all.”

“Just promise me you’ll be more careful,” he says as we approach the studio where the set is waiting to be decorated.

I look at him, ready to argue that Iamcareful and it’s not my fault if gravity affects me differently than everyone else. But something in his eyes stops me.All the mirth has left his expression, and I realize my reassurance is deeply important to him.

“I promise I’ll be more careful,” I murmur.

He nods, satisfied with my reply. “Come on, Sparkles. Let’s get this stuff inside.”

When we get back, Ryder asks Jackson to help him with the tree, even though he didn’t seem to struggle loading it. They maneuver it into position, dropping it into the stand.

I set to work unwrapping the decorations from their boxes. I’ll need to catalog all of these later as my personal inventory and ensure I keep the details safe, so should another Christmas tree go up in flames, I can claim it back on the insurance.

“Oh, Charity.”

Julianna’s voice makes me jump, and I turn to face the owner of the studios.

“These are so beautiful.” She plucks a tiny glass angel from the safety of some crushed tissue paper and examines it. “I heard about the accident. Are you okay?”

I smile sheepishly. “Yes, thank you. I chargrilled my hand, but the nurse gave me some ointment and directions on changing the bandages.”

“I’m glad Ryder was there to take you to the hospital,” she says with a perceptive look. “Be sure to take breaks when you need them,” she adds kindly before moving off to speak to Luca.

I go about my work—lights, ribbons, and what seems like five hundred ornaments are quickly placed on the tree. With Ryder’s help, I’m done with minutes to spare as Scarlett and Kane, the lead actors, arrive on set.

Ryder and I stand back, and I cast a final eye over the set, pleased with my work. A buzz of excitement runs through me as the cameras begin to roll.

Filming ofThe Naughty Listis officially underway.

Chapter Five


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