Page 45 of Wicked Knight

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“Who the hell knows. They wanted five grand. I just gave it to them.”

“I’ll pay you back.” I pressed my forehead to his arm. “Thank you for coming to my rescue.”

“We only got out of there because of Luca. You know that, right?” He placed his hand on the side of my head.

The tears I’d been holding back finally erupted like a dam. I scooted over and curled my body against Enzo’s side. He was right. If Luca hadn’t gone all Jack Ryan on those guys coming for me, Enzo would not have been able to get me out. I thought of Luca dashing down the stairs, ready to give them hell, looking like a real-life knight in shining armor.

Did he care about me? How could he not? The insidious look in his eyes said it all. He was ready to kill. For me.

“We have to help him.” I sat up.

“He’ll be fine. I’m sure he’ll just have to pay a hefty fee for ruining their fun. Don’t you get what this club was?”

“I did, Enzo. I’m not totally clueless. It’s a playground for the filthy rich.” I ran my fingers over my wrists. “The bouncer thought I was some poor girl hoping to hook up with a wealthy man.”

“Only you can get into this level of trouble. Why?” Enzo let out an incredulous laugh.

“I wanted to know what Luca was up to.”

“Well, now you know.”

“No, he wasn’t there for the game. That was obvious. He is up to something. He needs our help.” When Enzo rolled his eyes, I covered his mouth with my hand, so he would let me talk. “I don’t mean to get him out of the club. You’re right. He’ll just have to pay a shit ton of money. I mean he was there for a recon mission.”

“Oh, my fucking God, Donata. No.”


“You can’t get involved. Remember the last time you did that? Aurora died.” He winced.

“That’s not fair.” I pushed away from him. “She was killed. That wasn’t my fault. And it wasn’t your fault. Or Rex’s, for that matter.”

“I’m sorry. You’re right.” He placed his arm over his face.

Silence fell over us until the thumping of tires over the city asphalt broke through. Who knew how long we drove around aimlessly. Enzo had asked the driver to just keep going.

“Why are we not going home?”

“I was told to keep moving.”

“They’re savages.” I shook my head and glanced out the window.

“So you and Luca, huh?” Enzo asked.

“I don’t know.” I faced him. “He kissed me.”

“I saw.” He cocked an eyebrow. “That didn’t look like your first kiss either.”

“We had sex.” I pushed strands of hair away from my face. “For real. It was real, Enzo. I think he loves me.”

“That’s impossible.”

“Oh, thanks for the vote of confidence. I’m so ugly and dumb, why would anyone as beautiful and as smart as Luca Gallo want me. Is that it?” I said it in a mocking tone, but those words had been swirling in my head since the first day I saw him. Since he failed me just so I would go see him in his office. I was convinced he had done all of that to get close to me because Luca wanted me. Maybe he wasn’t in love, but he wanted me. That was enough for me. “Just tell me.”

“Wait, you want an answer.” He sat up. “Any man would be lucky to have you, Donata. You’re smart. Funny. Hot.” He pointed at my dress. “It’s just that Luca is too old for you.”

“Six years is not that much.”

“I don’t mean age. He’s just more…”

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