Page 30 of Wicked Knight

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Like Aurora and Enzo, I was willing to risk getting burned just to feel alive.

Luca, why did you have to come back into my life and make me want things that weren’t allowed? I reached for my computer and fired up the browser.

I still had to upload the latest essay for Luca’s class. In three short weeks, the mini-series seminar would be over, and Luca and I would go back to being strangers. I clicked on his class page and immediately noticed the change.

Shameless was what he was.

He’d updated my grade to an A.

I grabbed my phone to send him a text but thought better of it. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of recognizing that I had fallen for his Machiavellian methods. He used his power as my teacher to bend me to his will. And that just pissed me off.

Me: suddenly I’m an A student?

Professor Gallo: you’ve earned it, Ms. Salvatore. You just might be the most improved student in my class.

The nerve. I gritted my teeth.

Me: bite me.

Professor Gallo: don’t forget your assignment for tonight. We’ll discuss the biting later.

I gasped.

Why did I let him goad me like that? I tossed my phone on the bed. No more texting for me. What I wanted to really ask him had to be done in person. I threw the covers off me and headed for the shower.

I had two classes in the afternoon before his lecture. I considered the logistics of what I had to do as I blow-dried my hair then curled it into fat waves. If I put the vibrator in now, I would have to walk an entire afternoon with it inside me. The problem with that was that it felt too good. Maybe that was exactly Luca’s plan. Wasn’t this whole game of his meant to punish me for my lies? Fine. If that was what he wanted, I could handle it.

Ignoring the tiny voice in my head that said I was as demented as Luca, I opened my bathrobe and inserted the oval-shaped vibrator inside me. “Ohh.” Needy was how I would describe my pussy right about now. A whole week had gone by since Luca and I had sex. I thought about it all the damn time.

I donned a tight dress, slipped a chunky sweater over it to make it look more casual, then headed out.

My classes dragged on forever. Five minutes in, I realized that wearing the thing to school had been a mistake. I was so freaking aroused before my first class of the afternoon even ended. By the time I made it to Luca’s lecture, I was a bundle of horny nerves.

The smirk on Luca’s face when I sat down told me he knew exactly the state I was in. To my surprise, he didn’t ignore me like he had done the previous classes. Instead, he treated me to one of his intense looks. He made me feel naked and exposed, as if he could read the darkest secrets buried in the deepest recesses of my mind.

Professor Gallo: take off the sweater.

My phone buzzed with his message.

I met his gaze as I did what he asked. He gripped the edge of the podium and that was the only clue I got that he approved of my low-cut dress.

Me: now what?

Professor Gallo: patience

He strode to the edge of the stage and began his lecture as usual. I didn’t even bother with my notes because I knew there was no way I was going to be able to focus long enough to understand what he was saying. Instead, I clung to the timbre of his voice and thought about the night he took my virginity.

Minutes went by. I was so lost in his words and magnetic presence that, at first, I didn’t notice the change. Or rather, I didn’t feel the vibration inside me. I sat up in my chair with my mouth wide open. What the hell was he doing? He didn’t look at me at all. He kept teaching, as if the thing inside me wasn’t wreaking havoc on my already too sensitive G-spot. No. I shook my head at him, gripping the arm rest as I braced for whatever was coming.

Sure enough, the buzzing grew in intensity. I glanced over my shoulder. The closest person was three rows back, and I was still the only one in the first row. Jesus, could they hear it? I couldn’t tell the difference because, right now, the loud thumping of my heart muffled all sounds around me.

I squeezed my legs together and dropped my head in my hands. Omigod. If I orgasmed right now, I would not be able to keep quiet. I bit my lower lip and waited for the inevitable. But then the undulating waves stopped.

My head snapped to look at Luca. A beat later, a new message came in.

Professor Gallo: eyes on me.


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