Page 48 of Dusk Secrets

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Ian nods slowly. He sniffles a bit, but I can tell that he’s taking my words seriously. In such a small voice, and with a shaky smile, he speaks. “Thanks, Noah.”

“Anytime,” I say sincerely. I know I can be a dick sometimes to the kids, but I guess I genuinely care what happens to them. “You still want to call your parents? I don’t have reception, but I can sneak you into Jarred’s office.”

He chuckles at that and shakes his head. “No, I…I think I’ll stay for a little bit longer.”

“I’m serious, Ian. Whenever you need to talk, I’m here.”

Ian gives me another tentative smile. “I will. I should get back though. We’re kinda throwing a slumber party in cabin ten.”

I snort at his so-called rebellion. The kids aren’t allowed to be out of their assigned bunks, but I won’t say shit. I ruffle his hair a little as I shove him away from me playfully. “Knock yourself out, kid.”

I don’t go back to the bonfire after he leaves. I can’t. All I can do is sit and think about what just happened. I pull out a joint from my back pocket and light up, thinking about just how fucked up the world is.

Jarred wanted to know why I’m so angry?Thisis why. Ian’s a good kid, but I have no doubt some of the campers would turn on him if they found out he’s gay. I think about the kid I barely knew who killed himself and the life he could have lived. So, yeah, I don’t believe in God. Why believe in something that would just let this shit slide?

I don’t realize how long I’ve been out here until Jarred appears beside me. I glance down at my watch and see that it’s way past lights out and after I would have come to his cabin. Kendall’s going to give me shit for missing bunk checks.

“I was wondering where you were,” he says with an easy smile but then he frowns and wrinkles his nose when he sees the half-smoked joint. “Marijuana? Seriously?”

I chuckle, my high at its perfect peak. “It’s called weed, grandpa.”

“Don’t remind me that I’m two decades older than you,” he says, but I don’t need the reminder when he lets out a loud groan as he sits down beside me. “It makes me feel like a creep.”

“Nah, you’re not creepy at all,” I say, smacking a kiss against his cheek. When I see him eyeing the joint, I hold it out to him. “You want some?”

He blushes. “I’ve never smoked before.”

“No pressure,” I shrug, taking a quick hit. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

He stares at the joint for a minute longer and, with resolute determination, takes it from me. My eyes widen at the deep hit he takes before I even have the chance to warn him to take it easy. He lets out a loud cacophony of coughs and painful wheezes that make tears spring in his eyes. “What the fuck!”

“Shit, I love it when you curse,” I laugh, rubbing his back to help him through his fit. “You should have let me warn you first.”

“I can handle it,” he says, but his red face and his bloodshot eyes tell me that I’d better keep the weed away from him.

“Sure, babe,” I say softly, reaching for his hand. When he laces his fingers with mine, easily leaning against my side and resting his head on my shoulder, I let out a sigh of peace.

It’s nice. I don’t feel like I need to fill the silence with him. We just sit there together, enjoying the dark stillness, looking at the moon’s reflection on the lake.

“Want to go for a swim?” I ask him after a while, tugging on his hand to get his attention.

He furrows his brows at me and cocks his head to the side. “This late?”

“Sure,” I say, standing up as I kill the joint. “Why the fuck not?”

When I start stripping, his eyes widen. He looks around us wildly and tries to throw my clothes back at me. “What are you doing?”

“Skinny dipping,” I laugh, chucking my clothes right back at him.

“Anybody could see,” he hisses, once again checking the very isolated area around us. He’s been less wary since the whole Bryce situation happened a few days ago, but I can tell he’s paranoid. I’m certain there’s no one out here. He should know I’d never put him in that kind of position.

“Everybody is in their bunks,” I assure him. I take a step away from him and don’t miss the way his eyes glaze over as they track my figure. Just to give him a little show, I run my hand down my stomach to my half-hard cock and give it a tug. “You coming, grandpa?”

He grits his teeth as he stands, roughly pulling off his shirt with a scowl. “I don’t know when this grandpa thing started, but it needs to stop.”

“Sorry, babe. You’re just too cute when you’re flustered,” I tease, slapping his bare ass when he finishes stripping. I grab his hand and pull him toward the lake. “Let’s go.”

He comes—albeit hesitantly—and relaxes once we’re hidden in the water. For his benefit, I lead us to a part of the lake that’s shielded by a big ass rock. It’s all the way on the other side of where the cabins are, so I’m confident no one is going to see us.
