Page 20 of Shattered

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When he does, it goes right down my throat, burning my eyes a little bit. I sit back on my heels and look up at him. He looks winded like he's been in a race. His chest is rising and falling. One

point for Daphne.

Chapter Eight


Holy shit. I had the mouth of an absolute goddess on me. I could tell she was nervous, but I have no idea why. That's the best I've ever had.

She's looking up at me while I regain my consciousness. "Daph, that was amazing."

She has this look in her eyes that balances the line of amusement and seriousness, "What do you think HR would think?"

"I'm thinking I don't care what they have to say about it. But we have to tell Nisa sooner or later. I have too much respect for the woman to leave her out of this."

"I was thinking the same." She gets up shyly when the timer dings on the stove. I forgot about the pizza she made and the popcorn left in the microwave. She goes to grab a pizza cutter from a drawer. Her hair was a complete mess from me holding it. She looks good like this, in a carefree and wild state.

She's grabbing the pizza out of the oven when my phone rings. Who the hell is that. I look at the caller I.D., it's my sister. I

answer begrudgingly.

"So, little bro, I heard you're bringing a date."

"Who the hell told you that?" It must've been Liam; he needs to stick his head in his own mess and stop worrying about mine.

"Your only friend, of course. So, who is she?"

"She is currently standing in front of me, handing me a piece of pizza." Daphne gives me a quizzical look. "My sister," I tell her. She nods her head.

"Ahhhh, so it's true!" I can tell that she is basically bouncing on her feet. Her voice is filled with excitement; yep, she is going to kill Liam later.

"Listen, Alicia, can we talk later? But yes, I have a date for the wedding."

"Fine, Mr. Grouchy pants, we can talk later. But I better meet her before my wedding." Her wedding is literally in the next couple of weeks, and she lives five hours away. Daphne will most definitely be meeting her at her wedding rehearsal.

"Okay, I'll let you know. Bye." I hang up before she can even say anything. I look to my left at Daphne, who is eating pizza. The bowl of popcorn is in the middle of us.

"I'm sorry about that phone call. Alicia does not know how to mind her business."

"Yes, but you did tell her that you have a date. But you never truly asked me, so who are you taking?"

"Shush up; I was obviously talking about you. It's easier to just say something than try to explain it to her. She's very type A and needs details sooner than later." I take a bite of my pizza.

"I can respect that. I mean it is her wedding we are talking about. Right?"

"Yes, it's her wedding. But I also disagree with the guy that she's marrying. He seems like a piece of shit."

"Aw, how cute you're protective."

"Well, she is my sister, so I kind of have to be, even if she's older than me. But I'm an agent, so I have the means to protect her." I can see that she is looking at me differently than before. She has a somewhat innocent look, and she's developing a soft spot. That look is not suitable for my reputation as an agent, but for her, I would show her all of me in full. All emotional and everything because real men offer emotions to the people they care about. No matter what their jobs are.

"Do you protect her often? Was there anything that she needed to be protected from?" I guess we are back to twenty-one questions.

"Not necessarily. There's been a couple of her exes that I've knocked around a couple times. Still, they did nothing that actually needed to be escalated. But don't worry, I would never end up in your lab as a suspect."

"You're just too good?"

"My morals are set; even though I'm an agent, I think that every life is worth something. But sometimes, that life is worth the electric chair. Sometimes, it's worth rotting in prison for so long that they forget who they are. Sometimes, it's worth rotting in a ditch."
