Page 69 of The Bone Man

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He rolls his eyes. “You think I can’t jump that high?”

“Less posturing and more climbing,” I snap, not liking how quickly Merri is putting distance between us once more.

He grunts but plants his boot in my hold, and I toss him upward. The ladder rattles as it takes his weight, and Pen grabs the handrail for balance before continuing her ascent.

The rickety thing looks ready to fall right off the side of the building. Worried that my added weight will be too much, I linger in the alley until Merri reaches the roof before jumping up to catch the bottom of the ladder.

The metal groans but holds as I pull myself up, scaling the groaning ladder one rung at a time. The cold metal bites into my hands, and my heart races with the knowledge that my delay will separate me from my team.

When I reach the top, though, I find Marceau and Merri waiting, Merri pacing like a caged tiger thwarted in her hunt.

I step up beside Marceau. “Did he get away?”

Marceau’s eyes narrow as he scans the rooftops. “He can’t have gotten far. Not in his condition.”

He’s right. Jimmy’s health won’t allow him to keep up his pace for long. “Everyone, be silent.”

Merri freezes, and beside me, Marceau holds his breath.

I close my eyes, stretching out my senses. Distantly, I hear the sounds coming from the street below, and I push those away, searching for something out of place.

A soft cry reaches my ears, a sob of fear choked off.

He’s close, so close.

I follow the sound, turning until I can practically smell his fear.

Eyes opening, I point silently at the building directly across from ours, where another fire escape leads back down to the alley.

Steps silent, we walk to the edge of the rooftop and peer down to see Jimmy caught between two piles of junk, with nowhere to run.

His terror-filled eyes stare up at us, and he chokes off another panicked sob. In desperation, he tries to climb over the pile that leads toward the street, but the bags shift under his feet, sending him back to the ground.

We easily jump across the rooftop and descend the ladder, landing in the pocket of filth.

“Jimmy.” Merri approaches slowly, her hands out to show she’s unarmed. “It’s okay. We’re here to help.”

Jimmy’s eyes roll in his head, a cornered animal terrified of the approaching predators.

Then his gaze fixes on me, and his eyes widen. “You… You’re one of them.”

Merri steps in front of me to draw Jimmy’s attention. “He’s not here to hurt you. We don’t care that you were selling demon parts.”

Jimmy’s voice quivers. “I didn’t kill anyone, and I’m no dark witch. I got those feathers in trade.”

Considering how much those feathers are worth, I doubt anyone wouldtradethem. It’s more likely Jimmy mugged—or possibly killed—someone for them, but that’s not our problem.

“We don’t care how you got those feathers.” Merri keeps her tone firm. “We’re just here to make sure you get out of the Bone Yard in one piece.”

He gnaws on his cracked lips until they bleed before he shakes his head. “I don’t believe you. No one helps people for free.”

“It’s not free,” I inform him. “Your wife paid a lot to get you home.”

Confusion fills Jimmy’s eyes. “Jenny sent you?”

Pen nods. “She’s worried about you. She wants you to come home.”

Jimmy sniffles and wipes his dirty forearm under his nose. “I can’t go back. I have to… No, I can’t go home yet. I need to make my money back.”

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