Page 90 of The Hive Queen

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Page 90 of The Hive Queen

But if Flint’s right, destroying their master will kill the drones, and we’ll need to collect their bodies for their loved ones.

Turning to Amalia, I motion her back into a jog at double time to make up for what we lost with this little skirmish.

The woods aren’t that deep before they open up onto the highway that runs along the border of Clearhelm, and I don’t want my men confronting this monster without me at their side.

the tower ascent

- Marc -

I giveFlint a worried look as his steps grow less certain the farther we walk through the woods. While I can’t hear the noise he’s making, I can see it in the trail of broken foliage left in the wake of his dragging feet.

His eyelids sit at half mast, his mind focused on his connection to the soul ahead and not seeing where he steps. The glamour on his face flickers into existence less and less often, which worries me. It’s something he can maintain even in his sleep, and that it’s failing says he’s worse off than he’s letting on.

More than once, I reach out to pull him to the side before he walks into a tree that blocks his direct path.

This drone better not be going much farther, or not even Flint’s stubbornness will maintain his link to the spirit.

Anny, too, looks in rough shape, her tail dragging on the ground and her head drooped. Flint stopped touching her several yards back, and that adds to my concern.

Flint can store a lot of magic when he has access to a ley line, which his familiar provides. But even he has a limit to what his body can put up with, and constantly pulling on ley line energy can burn him out just like any other witchblood.

Flint pauses, his body swaying from side to side.

“Did you lose your zombie?” Johannsson whispers.

Flint looks over his shoulder, his eyes opening fully, and an otherworldly violet light spills from his left eye, illuminating his empty right socket and the deep scars that run from his forehead down over his cheek.

The light in Flint’s eye brightens as his lip curls in a sneer. “No, I did not lose my zombie.”

Before I can rein him in, Sharpe steps forward and cups the side of his face, drawing his attention away from Johannsson.

Flint takes several breaths before his glamour slips back into place, extinguishing the glow from his eye.

I stare at the two men as jealousy and bitterness curl in my gut.

They’d gotten closer while I was away, and the way they stare into each other’s eyes, silent communication passing between them, feels just like old times.

I shove the ugly emotions down. I’d never hated their bond in the past, not when I had my own special bond with Darius. And it’s my own damn fault that the distance I put between me and my family has left an opening for them to grow close again.

It was inevitable once Sharpe rejoined us. They’ve always shared a special closeness over magic that I never understood. The same way us fire users share an understanding that they don’t.

I just didn’t expect it to make me feel so lonely now.

Flint nods at Sharpe before turning his attention back to Johannsson. “There’s a thin spot in the veil here. Be on the lookout for akuzal in the woods, as well as the drones.”

Affirmatives come from the hunt team ahead of us, while Johannsson gives the woods that surround us a wary look.

A dark shadow steps out of the trees, and Johannsson’s shriek fills everyone’s ears as he draws the gun at his hip.

Pen’s baton pops it out of his hand, and she catches it in the air, then extends it grip first to Johannsson. “Try not to shoot your own teammates, Paul.”

Snickers come through the earbuds.

Amalia steps out behind Pen, muttering, “This is supposed to be my new team?”

Johannsson glares at everyone. “You knew that was going to happen, didn’t you? Was the thing about the akuzal real?”

“Oh, that’s real, but don’t worry, your energy isn’t the brightest in the group,” Flint assures him.

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