Page 30 of The Force of Five

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Looking around at us, he states, “The only way to open the protections to the tunnel is with a drop of royal blood.” I look over at Hope, seeing the surprise on her face, which must be what mine is displaying as well.

“Here,” Love mutters as she stretches out her hand towards Trek. I see him frown as he looks down at her hand and then back at her as he shakes his head. “Sorry, Love, but you will have to prick your own finger. We have promised an oath to never draw blood from any of you.”

She sighs as she lifts her hand, and with one of her blades, she draws blood. Trek lifts her hand, pulling it into the opening on the wall so that the blood can drop into the beaker.

The minute the blood enters the beaker, I hear a grating sound, and then a piece of the wall slides back. “Dream, we might need light,” Shok mutters as we look into a tunnel encased in darkness. Stepping forward, I am about to step inside, when Drez stops me with a hand to my upper arm. He lifts his sword, his eyes transforming into the hypnotic blue, his sword lighting up too.

“Follow me,” he states. I lift my bow in readiness and feel myself shining light through my hands onto the bow and arrow. Immediately, the tunnel lights up, showing us debris scattered around the ground. It looks like no one has been in these tunnels in years, which in a way is a good thing. We walk for a distance before Drez stops, his body tensing. Trek squeezes past me until he is standing just behind Drez.

“I can scent Fae,” he mutters as he inclines his head slightly as if hearing for any noise that we cannot.

“I’m going ahead. Stay here,” Drez states as he starts making his way through the tunnel in a silent way that only the Elven can, as if a wisp of air moving through the tunnel. We must be standing here for about fifteen minutes, my stomach knotting more and more with each passing minute, when suddenly, I see him emerging from the darkness, his sword raised but unlit, as it’s evident he was trying to not bring any attention to himself.

“What did you find?” Hope asks as he approaches.

“Three dungeons are filled with our people, but I don’t see the sovereigns,” he whispers.

“How many guarding them?” Shok asks.

Drez shrugs, a frown on his face. “I can’t see anyone, but I know they are there. I saw a shadow for a split second before it was gone.”

“That means that when we open the tunnel door, we have to be prepared to attack; they won’t know we are coming, but we don’t know how many we are up against,” Trek states as he passes his fingers through his long hair.

“You three should stay in the tunnel just in case we don’t make it,” Drez states as he looks at me.

“That’s not happening. We have been in this fight before with the three of you. I am coming,” I state.

“So am I,” Hope mutters from behind me.

“Same for me,” Love joins in. I can see the displeasure on Drez’s face, but that is just too bad, as I am not going to stay behind like a delicate flower while they go out there into danger to save all the captured Fae.

“Fine, but stay behind us,” Shok states, which has Love looking up at him and huffing.

“If anyone stands behind you, they can’t see anything happening in front,” she states.

“Yes, and no one can see what is behind me either,” he snaps, frowning at her.

“Don’t use that tone with me, Shok,” she says angrily.

“Then don’t question me when I am trying to protect you,” he states.

“Can you have this argument later?” I ask with a raised brow, which has both huffing in annoyance.

“Let’s go,” Drez says as he turns. “Dream, no light now, but we need as much light as possible when we open the door. I will let you know.”


We make our way slowly through the darkness until we come to a dead end, which I am guessing is the door. Drez moves over for Trek to squeeze past. I see Trek looking through what seems like a chipped brick, but obviously is an opening for whoever is in the tunnel to look at the other area. Trek raises his head, scenting his surroundings.

“I would say at least seven,” he whispers.

“Ready?” Drez asks in a whisper. As everyone nods, he looks at me. “Light.” I immediately light up my bow and arrow, making it shine like a beacon as the tunnel door snaps back, and then chaos rains.


I see a shadow screeching as it tries to move away from the light. I shoot the arrow that penetrates through it, making the shadow explode into little particles of light. Pulling out another arrow from behind me, I slot it into the bow and then move closer towards the darkness. Seeing a shadow move, I let the arrow fly, and another shadow disintegrates into little light particles, falling to the ground.

Drez cuts down shadows as he moves closer to the darkness, the light in his sword bright enough to have them disintegrate. I hear the others opening at the cell doors, analysing all the Fae inside as we go after the shadows. I am behind and to the left of Drez, following him as he penetrates more of the darkness, when a shadow rushes straight for me.
