Page 77 of Because of You

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“I have always been a little more protective of my boy than my other sons. He didn’t have the easiest start. The person who was supposed to be there for him, who was supposed to love and protect him wasn’t. I know that he was happy when he came to live with me. He loved growing up with his cousins, and I think I was able to make a happy home for him, but I never saw him settle. He loved my home, but it wasn’thishome. I could see it in his eyes. To be honest, I was scared I’d never see him truly feel at home.”

Avery wasn’t sure where this was going, but she nodded.

“But then, the moment you walked into that ballroom, I saw it. I saw my boy’s eyes and I knew he was home. You, my sweet girl,youare his home.”

Avery felt tears begin to fall down her face. Laney pulled her into a hug, and she cried against her shoulder. She was crying because she was happy that Laney approved of her. She was crying because she was sad that Keaton had had a mom who didn’t love and protect him, who didn’t love him the way she should have, who didn’t give him a home. She was crying because her childhood hadn’t been easy and after her Gammy died, she felt the same way. And she was crying because they’d found each other.

He was her home.


“Final three! How are you feeling?”Jess asked as Avery sat in her chair with her eyes closed as Jess brushed on her eyeshadow.

“Good. I’m a little nervous, just because it’s live.” Avery didn’t care if they won or not. Truth be told, she was hoping they wouldn’t. She knew that when she went back to real life there was going to be some level of increased attention on her just because she wasonthe show. She also knew it would be even more attention if shewonthe show.

Thankfully, she doubted very much that would happen. Making it to the final three was exciting, but she was sure that she and Keaton were going to be in third place.

Zara and Mario had fireworks. Their chemistry was undeniable, and they were explosive together. They fought and made up a lot. Which, she was sure made for good TV.

And Avery knew from before she came on the show that the public loved Vic and Piper. Over the past eight weeks they’d been on the show, the public had watched them meet and fall in love. Real love.

So yeah, she and Keaton would be third. And she was great with that.

As much as she’d appreciated the time that she’d gotten to spend with Keaton, with basically none of the pressures of real life, spending all of their energy just getting to know each other better, she missed Jacob and was so happy to get back to mom-life.

Even though the show aka Sabrina had made special concessions for her and she got to see Jacob during her downtime on filming days and be with him all of her off days, she missed tucking him in at night and getting him up in the morning. She missed the routine of making sure he brushed his teeth and ate a good breakfast. She felt like even though she’d literally seen him every day since Jude brought him back, and Sabrina was right, her schedule while filming the show allowed her to spend more time with him than she had in California, it just wasn’t enough.

She was ready to go back to her life. Hernewlife. After talking to her mom and Jacob, the three of them decided to make Whisper Lake their home. Jacob loved his classes at Legacy with Coach Kade, and he’d also started taking a children’s acting workshop at the community center that was run by Coach Kade’s nephew Ricky, who Jacob now idolized.

Her son alsolovedKeaton. Her mom said that all the kids at Legacy were jealous of Jacob because Coach Keaton was going to be his stepdad. Avery told her to make sure that she told Jacob they didn’t have any plans to get married. But she told Avery not to worry about it because she’d “handled” it. When Avery pushed her on exactly how she’d handled it she told her she’d asked him, on Family Day, if he was going to marry her and he’d said yes.

Avery thought she was lying at first, but then Jacob told her that he’d asked him, too, and he’d told him that when he married her Mojo would be his dog. She knew that neither of them would lie to her, but she didn’t want to get her hopes up. Keaton hadn’t mentioned anything to her about marriage. They’d talked about the future, but never about getting married.

“Okay, beautiful, you are all set!” Jess exclaimed. “Good luck! I’m rooting for you!”

“Thanks.” Avery smiled and headed into the changing room to put on her dress. It was a black Dior haute couture dress that apparently Charlize Theron had worn at the 2014 Oscars. The satin organza gown with an exaggerated sweetheart neckline was a showstopper. Sabrina had called in a few favors to get Avery this dress because she knew how nervous she’d be since the show was live and Avery appreciated it.

When Avery put it on, it felt like a costume and like she was playing a character. That’s how Avery was psyching herself up for being on live TV. She’d told herself to pretend that it wasn’t her. She was playing the role of Avery Stone tonight. So far, the mental fake-out was working, in that she hadn’t thrown up, passed out, or broken out in hives—but the night was young.

Once she was dressed, Avery made her way to holding. When she walked in she, Piper, and Zara exchanged a chorus of, “You look amazing.”

“You’re so beautiful.”

“I love your dress.”

And Avery had to admit, they did all look amazing, they were beautiful, and they all had incredible dresses.

Zara was wearing a strapless champagne gown with a structured bodice and high slit. It perfectly complemented her skin tone and figure. Piper was in a silver ball gown with a floral illusion plunge that made her look like a fairy princess.

Out of the three of them, Zara seemed the most nervous. She kept checking her lipstick and hair and asking if she looked okay. Over the six weeks they’d been on the show together, Avery had never heard Zara ask anyone about her appearance. She’d been the poster child of confidence. But tonight, her nerves were showing.

Avery didn’t think that she was really concerned about her makeup or how she looked. She was pretty sure she was worried about winning the prize money for her sisters. Avery really liked Piper, but she hoped Zara won tonight.

“It’s time!” Iris walked into the room, clapping her hands excitedly.

They made their way down to the ballroom for the last time and lined up. Zara was first, Piper was second, and Avery was last.

As she waited her turn, she was doing her best to mentally prepare for what she was about to experience. Not only was the show live, but there was also a studio audience of nearly two hundred people, which was four hundred eyes.

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