Page 20 of Because of You

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When everyone quieted down, Seb continued, “Another reason was that we weren’t exactly sure what this was and we didn’t want people in our business. And also because sneaking around was kind of hot.”

Kennedy blushed as Knox whistled and everyone chuckled.

“But, we wanted to gather everyone around today to tell you that we’re together. Officially. Today, we went to the courthouse in Chicago and got married.” Seb reached down and lifted Kennedy’s hand in the air, revealing a large diamond ring.

There were gasps from his aunt, Chrissy, and the twins. Ford was stoic, as always. And unless Keaton was mistaken, Knox and Laura weren’t at all surprised by the news as they shared a secret glance. It didn’t surprise him that Laura and Knox were in the know before anyone else. Kennedy and Laura were thick as thieves. The two had been close friends the entire time Keaton had lived in Whisper Lake.

“Knox and Laura were our witnesses,” Seb confirmed Keaton’s suspicion.

“Wait, you got married?!” Aunt Laney clarified, still in shock obviously.

“We did, legally. We are going to have a wedding later next year, after the baby.” Seb leaned down and put his hand on Kennedy’s stomach, smiling from ear to ear as he kissed his new wife on the cheek.

“A baby!” Aunt Laney covered her mouth as tears started running down her face. “The twins will have a cousin to grow up with. They’ll only be a year apart.”

Keaton noticed, at the mention of the twins having a cousin to grow up with, Laura and Kennedy exchanged a knowing look before Kennedy nodded her head in encouragement.

“Actually, they’ll have a cousin who’s even closer than that in age.” Laura looked down at her own belly. “Kennedy and I are due two days apart.”

“Another baby!” Aunt Laney exclaimed. Unable to control her enthusiasm, she hopped out of her chair and rushed around the table hugging and kissing Kennedy, Laura, Seb, and Knox.

Keaton was happy for his cousins, but he couldn’t help but wish it was him who was calling everyone together to make a big announcement. He wished he had a baby on the way that would grow up with their cousins.

As an only child, he knew the importance of having a big family. He also knew how lonely it was without one. He’d lived both sides of that coin, and having a big family took the win every time.

Dinner was served and the dominant conversations were the wedding and about how exciting it was that Kennedy and Laura were going to have babies so close together. There were name suggestions thrown out as Chrissy, Kennedy, and Aunt Laney were planning the wedding.

Keaton looked around the table and told himself that this was enough. He was lucky to be surrounded by love, even if he was on the peripheral of it. But that zen demeanor evaporated when he caught sight of red hair out of the corner of his eye. He did a double take and sure enough, Avery Stone had just walked into Lanterns.

It had been three days since he’d seen her at the castle. Deep down, part of him thought she was just going to disappear again. But she hadn’t. She was still in town, and he still had questions to ask.

He excused himself from the table and made his way to the front of the restaurant. As he navigated around tables in the dining room, he cemented in his head all the questions he should have asked her three days ago but had completely blanked on.

Keaton had them all loaded and ready to fire when he heard a kid say, “Mama.”

He watched as Avery looked down and brushed the hair of a boy standing beside her that Keaton hadn’t even noticed.

“Can I have my birthday party here?” he asked. “I like the dragon, it’s like a dinosaur.”

“It’s still a few months away, but if we’re still here, of course you can.”

Still here. That didn’t sound great.

“Hi,” Keaton said, announcing his presence.

Avery looked up and this time it was her turn to look like she’d seen a ghost.

“Keaton,” she said his name breathlessly.

“Who’s this?” he asked.

“Oh, um, this is my son, Jacob. Jacob this is Mr. Keaton.”

“Hi, Mr. Keaton.” Jacob held out his hand for Keaton to shake, which was adorable and much more grown-up than Keaton would have expected from a kid that young.

“Hi, Jacob.”

“I’m going to have my birthday here if you want to come,” Jacob invited him as he held up his hand with his fingers spread apart. “I’m going to be five.”

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