Page 162 of Mafia Grace

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“Where the fuck are you?”

“Having a beer with a friend.” He said nonchalantly.

“My house. You have ten minutes.”

“I’m with aladyfriend.”

My anger shot through the roof.

“Grazia went out with the Maserati and she lost her guards. She’s with Chiara, unprotected, and someone is tailing them. You failed to report that to me, cousin.”

“Damn it. How did she lose the guards?”

“I don’t give a fuck about that. You better pray my wife comes back home without a scratch, Pietro.”

“Don’t go crazy. Yes, there were eyes on your car, but it was just surveillance. I’ll call Chiara now, try and get in touch.”

“Find them!” I barked and closed the call. I turned to Yannis. “You’re coming with me. Let’s go.”


“We’ll meet the guards and start looking for Grazia and Chiara.”

“We’ll find them, Salvatore. This is our city.”

Ignoring him, I picked up the set of keys to a Jeep and walked to the garage. I didn’t trust anyone to find her, so I had to take matters into my own hands.

The thin line between worry and anger was blurring and it was clouding my judgment. ADoncan’t afford to be irrational, because it might cost my people their life, but when it came to my wife, I couldn’t see straight. I couldn’t blame her for wanting to spend an evening with her friend – I married her to make her happy, not to put her in chains – but I hated not seeing her at all times. There were just too many things that could take her away from me and I didn’t like to gamble with my happiness.

I jumped behind the steering wheel waiting for Yannis, but he stopped to read something on his phone before rushing to get into the car.

“Patrone, drive.”

“What did you hear?”

“Samuel and the boys found your car. They’re inAlbergheria.”

I pushed the gas pedal to the floor before Yannis had a chance to close his damn door.Albergheriawas too close to the north of the city and that line that separated Caputo’s business from mine. Grazia had no business walking on those parts without me by her side.

“What the fuck are they doing there?” Yannis said nothing. “I’ve asked you a question, Judas. You better fucking talk.”

“I don’t know, but we need to get there. Fast.”


“Because Samuel thinks he saw someone else. A Caputo associate.”


I looked straight ahead and drove as fast as the street allowed it. At my side, I could hear Yannis loading his gun. This had to be a fluke. Grazia was fine. She’d be waiting for me, as beautiful as she was when I saw her earlier, and I’d be able to take her back home.

“Patrone, do you have any heat on you?”

“Yes.” Why the fuck was he asking me that? “What aren’t you saying, Yannis?”

“I just want to be prepared. I’m sure things are fine.”

They had to be. She had to be. I told myself that mantra over and over again, but as soon as I got on ViaAlbergheriaand was getting closer toPiazzetta Settimo, my blood pressure began to rise because all I could see around was chaos. People were running, there was someone screaming and police sirens wailed in the distance.

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