Page 140 of Mafia Grace

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Salvatore approved with a move of his head. “When you’re in the hotel room or inside the school, he’ll leave you be. Anywhere else, Yannis is coming too.”

“Yes.” He was worried. I could see the signs on his forehead. “I’m sure nothing bad will happen. No one knows I’ll be in Milano.”

“I’m not taking gambles when it comes to your security. Yannis is going with you and that is the end of it.”

“I wasn’t fighting you!” I shouted, even if it wasn’t my intention. “Although, I think it’s better to fight than not hear a word from you at all.”

He spoke a lot with his eyes in the past couple of weeks, and none of it was kind. He knew what he was doing to me and as a result, we were both miserable.

“It’s late.” He checked his watch to confirm. “You should go, or you might miss your plane.”

“Fine.” What was the point when he wasn’t giving me an inch? “Fine, I’m leaving.”

“Call me when you land?”

“Will you answer?”

“Of course I will.”

“Will you speak to me?”

His jaw tightened. “I want to hear that you’ve arrived.”

“I’m sure Yannis will tell you.”

“I want to hear it from you.”

I waited, but he didn’t give me any sign that he wanted to say more to me, or get up from that damn chair and kiss me goodbye, so I gave up. He wasn’t ready to let go of his anger.

“Very well then. Goodbye,mio marito.”

“Goodbye, Grazia.”

I turned and closed the door behind me, leaving him in the companion of his demons. My suitcases were moved and Yannis was already in the passenger seat, chatting with the driver, so I climbed in the back.

“Mrs Fiori,” the driver saluted me, “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you coming. I would have opened the door for you.”

“It’s alright. We’re already late.”

We made it in time to the airport because the young man driving maneuvered the car through the streets like we were in some kind of race. I wasn’t worried, despite the fact that we ran two red lights. If he was assigned to driving me, I was sure Salvatore had him vetted thoroughly.

Yannis and I had seats next to each other, but we didn’t speak much. He watched a movie whilst I spent most of the flight reading. After the landing, he collected all the luggage and insisted to carry everything himself, no matter how many times I said I was capable of helping. He had orders; that was the response I got.

“I’m going to check us in, Grazia.”

TheRome Palazzowas a beautiful hotel. Not big, but lavish, and close enough to Scala to make it possible for me to walk every day which was nice since I didn’t want to be stuck in traffic if it wasn’t necessary. Salvatore booked the best suite the hotel had to offer for me, and got a room nearby for Yannis.

On the table in the sitting area in my room there was a huge arrangement of daffodils waiting with a note hidden between the flowers.

“Everything alright, Grazia?”

“Yes.” I pointed at the vase. “Is this from the hotel?”

“No. Your husband.”

“Oh.” My heart quivered. I smiled to myself and went to get the note. It only had the wordsBuona Fortuna[57]scribbled on it, and it wasn’t Salvatore’s writing, but the flowers spoke volume.

“Yannis, do you mind if I ask you to give me a moment. I need to call Sasa.”
