Page 130 of Mafia Grace

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There was no need for begging. I was ready to give her every last drop of pleasure in me. Everything that was in my power to give was for Grazia to have.

Her arms circled my shoulders and she anchored herself into my skin with her nails. She needed to be close too. She cravedme. I moved fast and hard inside her, giving into that craving, and making us both growl and moan.

“Tell me you love me, Grazi.”

She hesitated only enough to fill her lungs with air.

“I love you, Salvatore Fiori.”

“Good. Tell me you’ll never love anyone else.”

“Never.” She whispered, searching for something in my eyes. “I’m going to die loving you,mio marito.”

The words threw me into a spiral. I wanted more from her, so I took it. I took her body with force and domination, helplessly trying to make us one. Grazia started shivering under me, and I felt my release crippling up my spine. I needed her there with me. An orgasm counted for nothing if I didn’t get to see her burning.

With my fingers, I found the sensitive part of her and caressed it slowly, in contrast with the furious moves of my hips. Every time I moved my fingers, her body jerked, until she couldn’t take it anymore.

The climax took us both at the same time and I received every ripple of pleasure pouring from her body to mine and neither of us dared to move after that. We fell asleep tangled and the last thing I remember is inhaling the sweet smell of her hair.Paradise.


I knew she was awake before she moved. There was a change in her breath that gave it away, but her body fit so well in my arms, I didn’t move an inch. We sat like that for a while before Grazia spoke.

“Are you still mad at me?” Her voice sounded small.

“Yes.” I answered honestly and at the same time I leaned in to place a kiss behind her ear. “It will take a while for this to pass.”

She sighed. “I don’t like it.”


“You being mad at me. I don’t like it.”

“Then don’t run away and do stupid shit.”

“I won’t.”


“Yes, Salvatore, I promise. I’m sorry I broke your trust.”

“Broke my trust?” I moved her body so we could look each other in the eye. “There’s no one I trust more than you.”

I saw her frowning and I did too because I didn’t understand whatshewasn’t understanding.

“Isn’t that why you were so angry with me?”

“I was angry with you because you put yourself in danger. Don’t you understand? Protecting you is my only purpose in life. If anything would have happened to you – if they’d have so much as slapped you with a feather, I would have killed everyone in my way.”

“I’m fine.” She shivered. “I don’t regret marrying you.”

That made me jolt.

“Was that in question?”

“After I spoke with Guido, I ran into my father when I was on my way out. He thought I was coming back and asking them to help me escape our marriage. I wasn't.”

I flexed, holding her in my arms like she was in a cage.
