Page 131 of Saving the Single Dad

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My head snapped up. “I can explain this…”

Liam’s eyes narrowed; his jaw clenched so that the muscle jumped along his face.

“Explain what, Haley?”

He stood and shoved his hands into his hair. “That you went behind my back and did the very thing I specifically asked you not to?”


“No!” he yelled over me, and it startled me so much, my mouth snapped shut.

“I asked you not to interfere. I told you I had to be the one who did it. I told you!”

He trailed off and tugged at the ends of his hair.

But when his voice broke, a piece of my heart did too.

“Do you have any idea what it’s like to think you finally did something right? To think you finally made it, that all your hard work paid off because this amazing opportunity landed in front of you…only to find out it wasn’t real at all. It was just your rich, pretentious girlfriend posing as someone else, tricking you into doing business with her.”

Tears clouded my vision as ripples of pain hummed through me. I had fucked up so bad…

I stood, reaching out for him.

“Liam, please! I’m sorry, it wasn’t like that, I didn’t want—”

He snatched his arm away from me, his eyes wide with rage.

“You need to leave. I won’t have liars living in my home.”



I shook my head as tears freely fell. “Liam, let’s talk about this.”

“There is no fixing this, Haley! Don’t you get it? My gym is ruined. I’m fucked, and the only hope I actually allowed myself to hold on to wasn’t even real!”

He barged into the living room where all my stuff was already waiting.

No. No. No. This wasn’t happening. Why was my stuff already packed?

“Liam, stop. This—just think this through.”

He gripped my suitcase and bag and stormed into the garage to where my car was.

“They’ll eventually be better off. They already had one woman lie to them, they won’t survive another.”

Holy shit, that one hit hard. I didn’t lie to hurt them.

“I lied to protect them, because you’re too fucking prideful to accept help!” I yelled at his back, my face red with rage and hurt. All of it twisted in my chest and swirled into a massive mess.

“It’s my life, my kids to raise how I see fit. This was something I needed to do on my own, and if you can’t respect something as fundamental as that then you have no right being here.”

“Liam, stop. You’re being irrational. Just take the night, or the week, but we’re not over. I mean, you don’t just stop loving someone because they messed up.”

He paused, and turned on his heel, glaring down at me. After a few seconds of just staring, he laughed.

“I forgot that you haven’t had a single ounce of life experience. You’re twenty fucking years old and have no clue what or how grownups handle things like this. Protecting their kids, managing their work life, businesses started with nothing and kept alive with sweat, blood, and tears. Everything in your life that you have was handed to you on a silver platter, Haley. You’re going to pretend that you have a frame of reference for my life?
