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Caden shook his head. Of course, there was—Caden was a weirdo.

“Hey, Sam. Hey, Caden.”

Caden froze. No, no, no, it wasn’t fair! He’d been having such a good morning. He almost had his shit together. Okay, maybe not together, but he hadn’t been freaking out as much.

“Please no,” he whisper-begged to his best friend. He looked up, hoping that he hadn’t heard that muscular voice.

The grimace on his best friend’s face was enough to want Caden to bury his head back in his arms.

“You two okay? I helped Adam get rid of that couple. I told them not to come back.”

Sam patted Caden’s leg before he rose. Caden wanted to drag his best friend back down but knew that wouldn’t work for long.

“We’re good, Detective. Thanks for helping Adam.”

“I’ve told you to call me Lincoln,” the detective responded with a laugh. “And it was my pleasure. They don’t need to be acting that way here. I heard the yelling before I even stepped inside.”

“Yeah, they can get loud,” Adam agreed as he walked back behind the counter. He flashed Caden a bright smile and winked. “And your coffee is on the house today.”

“That’s not necessary,” Detective Lincoln Daniels quickly replied. “Happy to help.”

“We insist,” Sam told him.

“Oh well, thanks. My usual, please, then.”

Sam took a step toward the machine on the side of the counter that they used when they were busy, but Caden stood.

“I got it.” He was the one that made the detective’s usual. He knew just how hot and how much flavor to add.

“Thanks, bud.” Sam patted his shoulder. Sam was fully aware of Caden’s crush on the attractive detective.

Caden grabbed a large cup and started the familiar ritual. During one of his braver moments, Caden had made adjustments to the detective’s usual order and had him try it. Okay, he asked Sam to have the detective try it, but the detective had agreed that it was better the way Caden made it. He started to order his drink ashisusualdone Caden’s way. It made Caden happy.

Now that the shop had slowed down, Adam went out to bus and clean the tables as Sam started to refill their supplies. That left Caden with the issue of getting the drink he’d made to the detective. Caden hated calling out orders. It drew too much attention to himself.

Caden carefully walked the cup over to the pickup counter. He was about to motion for Sam when a big hand appeared under his face.

“Is that mine, Caden?” The detective’s strong voice always sent shivers down Caden’s spine.

Caden nodded as he pushed the cup closer to that big hand. The detective was a large guy, over six feet tall, with wide shoulders and tattooed and muscular arms. He couldn’t help but admire the detective’s thick thighs before allowing his gaze higher to the slim waist with the gold badge pinned to his belt. He continued running his gaze up that wide chest and settled it on the detective’s chin.

“You sure you’re, okay?”

“Fine,” Caden whispered.

He could tell the older man smiled since Caden was focusing just below his mouth. He liked to watch the detective’s lips when he spoke.

The detective lifted his cup and took a drink.

Caden bit back a whimper when he saw those strong long fingers gripping the cup. He wanted to feel those fingers on him. He’d once felt the detective’s hand on his elbow when he’d almost slipped on a spill but that had been so long ago. Months at least.

“This is as good as usual, Caden. Thank you.”

Against his will, Caden’s gaze jumped up to the detective’s eyes. The detective’s black hair was shaved on the sides and longer at top, leaving a couple strands to fall above his mossy green eyes. Once he looked, Caden couldn’t look away, his gaze caught, even as his face heated.

“There are those gorgeous brown eyes,” Detective Daniels said quietly. “That’s better.”
