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Me: Lol I meant do I need to bring things for the morning?

TG: No, I’ll have you home at a respectable time tonight.

Me: Okay. Can’t wait *kissy face emoji*

TG: Have a good day, beautiful.

The excited nerves are coursing through me all day as I go through a million different things Theo and I could be doing tonight. I leave the café around three which is enough time for me to go home, shower, and change. After changing my clothes ten different times—because really what the hell iscasualanyway?—I decide on a black short strapless sundress under a chambray shirt in case it gets a little chilly tonight. I make it to the garage at five minutes to five and am not shocked to see Theo already there. The garage has mostly cleared out from the day, so I find him easily, parked in a corner away from most of the cars and I wonder if that’s on purpose.

Another reason why I wore a dress.

I park my car next to his and before I can even open my door, he’s there opening it and holding his hand out for me. “Hi.” I smile and the sexy smile he gives me heats me all the way to my toes.

“Hi, gorgeous.” He pulls me into his arms and slowly slides his hands down my body. He cups me underneath my dress, giving my ass a gentle squeeze, and I gasp just as his lips connect with mine. His tongue licks his way into my mouth and dances with mine as he pushes me up against my car. I don’t know how long we’re kissing when he pulls back and presses a kiss to my nose. “We should get going, we have a bit of a drive.” When he opens the passenger side door of his Mercedes for me, I notice he’s wearing dark blue jeans and a black v-neck shirt and I want to laugh at our matching attire.

I look him up and down and then down at myself and he realizes what I’m looking at. “Well, now there won’t be any question that you’re mine,” he says as I slide into the car.

We’ve been driving for about twenty minutes south on the highway when I realize we are probably leaving Pennsylvania. “Can you tell me where we’re going?”

“Maybe when we get a little closer.”

“How long until we get there?” Even with his dark sunglasses, I know what kind of look he gives me and I let out a sigh. “Fine. How was your day?”

“Good. A pretty easy day. How about you?”

“Nothing out of the ordinary.” I shrug, thinking about how normal this feels, talking about our days like a regular couple. His hand finds my thigh and I want to melt at how warm and strong it feels and how large it looks against me making me feel feminine and sexy. He squeezes it gently and my pussy flutters in response.

I look down at where his hand is resting and then up at him and lower my sunglasses to the tip of my nose to shoot him a warning look. “I wouldn’t unless you’re prepared to pull over somewhere.”

He laughs and it’s one I can see myself hearing for a very long time. He strokes the skin gently without removing it and I shake my head at his teasing. I put my hand over his, rubbing the skin with my fingers when he wraps his hand around mine and brings it to his lips to kiss my knuckles.

Oh my God.

“I had to actively stop myself from thinking about you today in order to get any work done.” He’s still got my hand encased in his, rubbing his thumb over everywhere it can reach. “You are a very present fixture in my mind these days.”

“I think about you a lot too,” I tell him because I can’t remember a time since I met him that he wasn’t somewhere on my mind.

We’ve been driving for close to an hour when I start probing for more details. “Are we going to Maryland?”

“Not quite that far.”

“What’s in Delaware?” I ask, referring to the only state between Pennsylvania and Maryland that’s on this road. “Where we’d be outside?” I start thinking of all the possible places and none of them would make sense unless…

I gasp excitedly and turn to him. “Are we going to the fair!?” I clap my hands together because I fuckinglovethe fair and if that is where we’re going it warms my heart that he remembered that fact. He gives me a smile revealing his perfect teeth, and I squeal. “Oh my God! I was so mad that it left Philly before I could go! Theo!” I do a dance in my seat already thinking about the funnel cake I’m about to devour.

“I didn’t say that’s where we’re going.”

I purse my lips at him suspiciously. “So, that’s not where we’re going?”

He chuckles. “Yeah baby, that’s where we’re going.”

I bite my bottom lip.Oh yeah, I am so glad I wore a dress.

Thirty minutes later, we are pulling up to the fairgrounds. It’s almost six-thirty so it’s still light out and I’m so excited to see everything when it gets dark. One of my favorite things to do is to ride the Ferris wheel at night and see everything lit up with neon bright lights.

“Theo, this is so great, thank you for this.” I tilt my head back to offer him my lips which he takes as he holds me tight against him. “This is already the best date ever,” I tell him when we pull apart.

He gets our tickets and soon we are pushing through the turnstile to let us onto the grounds. “So,” he looks around, “what do you want to eat first?”

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