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“Oh my gosh!” She squeals as she scoops Raegan into her arms. Theo stays put but Lucas stands and makes his way towards them and she grabs him as well, holding them both in her arms. “I’ve missed you guys so much.”

“Missed you too, Mom,” Lucas says.

“Yeah, ditto,” Raegan says.

Lucas lets go but Raegan stays holding on to her for a little longer and I hate how much Raegan gets hurt by this. Lucas definitively chose sides and has clung to Theo his whole life but a girl needs her mother and Raegan was deprived of that during the most quintessential time in her life. Now she’s pregnant and she’ll more than likely be denied her mother again.

“You look so beautiful.” She smiles at her and gives her a squeeze. “Now, who is this?” She gives Wes a once over with her eyes and I can immediately see Raegan preparing her defense.

“Mom, this is Wes Beckham.”

“Very nice to meet you, Rebecca,” he says and she gives him a smile before shaking his hand.

“Charmed.” She moves her gaze around the table before landing on me. “Well, I wasn’t expecting a full party, just for little old me.” She giggles as she takes her seat between Wes and me. “Avery, darling.” She leans over and kisses my cheek in the same fashion as earlier.

“Good to see you again.”

“Well, isn’t this just wonderful?”She claps.

Lucas snorts into his glass and I wonder just how much alcohol he’s put away, especially if Theo drove here and he had any drinks at home.

“So, Lucas, you’re leaving tomorrow?” She asks.

“Yep, bright and early.”

“Well…I am taking the red eye out of New York on Monday morning so I was going to come to New York Sunday and maybe we can have dinner?”

“I don’t know…I have some things to do Sunday to prepare for work Monday.” He’s living in the same apartment he lived in during college and doesn’t really have much to move, so I’m guessing this is partially an excuse.

“So proud of you, honey.” She gives him a look that I’d almost think was genuine. “I searched your company and your position onLinkedIn. You are going to have a very healthy salary.”And there it is.

“Of course, you did.” Lucas laughs, but I hear the sarcasm lurking beneath. “Yes, it’ll be great.”

“So, Mom, how are you?” Raegan interjects. “How’s everything and…Garrett?” she asks, referring to her husband.

“Oh fine, he’s in Greece right now on business, but he’ll be back in a few weeks.” She flicks her wrist before picking up her water. “Where’s our waitress? I would love a cocktail.” She looks around the table and notices that only Lucas is drinking. “No one else? That’s shocking for everyone atthistable.” She laughs. “Sorry dear, I don’t know you that well,” she says to Wes with a hint of condescension.

“Yeah, I wonder where Raegan and I get it from.” Lucas snorts and Rebecca’s eyes pin him with a glare.

“Nice.” She gives him a look as she puts her menu down. “Wes, hon, tell us about yourself. What are your intentions with my daughter?”

I internally cringe at the names she’s giving him when I’m fairly certain she’s younger than Wes.

“Becca,” Theo warns and the nickname reminds me of the painful familiarity between them and it feels like a punch in the gut.

“What? I am not one to beat around the bush. I didn’t fly forty-five hundred miles for idle chit-chat.”

“No one asked you to fly here,” Lucas says, giving his mother a look. “You didn’t even call to let anyone know you were coming. You just show up and expect everyone to drop everything and cater to you just like you always do. Never mind that I had plans tonight. It only mattered that you wanted to have some awkward ass dinner under the ruse thatanyonecares what you think about Raegan and her boyfriend.”

I sit back in my chair, ready for Rebecca to say something back and not wanting to be literally between them while they argue when she flits her eyes to Theo. “And you have nothing to say to that?”

“Say to what?” Theo asks and I already know he’s not going to get involved with their back and forth unless Lucas really crosses a line.

“Of course, you don’t care what he says to me.”

“Mom,” Raegan speaks up, “look, I am sorry that I called you. I thought talking to me instead of continuing to engage in random gossip with Nat’s mom would make you feel better. I certainly didn’t expect you to fly here on a whim.”

At that moment, the waitress enters and takes Rebecca’s sole drink order and we order some appetizers of mini crabcakes, calamari, and bacon-wrapped scallops.
