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“I—you?” I offer weakly.

He narrows his eyes into slits. “When?”

“Last night…”

“I agreed that we couldn’t go shouting all over town that we are doing this, but I also said do not fuck anyone else.” I had forgotten that little fact but that still could have been something he said in the heat of the moment. A moment of possession where a man will say anything before the post-orgasm clarity. “I wouldn’t ask you not to do something and not expect you to hold me to the same. I’m not fucking anyone else. I don’t want anyone else. Wearetogether. I take this very seriously, Avery.”

I smile, letting his sexy sweet words wash over me.

“And next week when I have an empty house, I expect you to figure out how you’re going to get out of your house and into my bed because I want you there.” He rubs his hands over my nipples before placing a kiss between them. “Just because this can’t be anything more than sex does not mean it doesn’t mean something.”

She’s back in her seat and I’m glad I had the foresight to bring another shirt that I hand to her. She pats herself dry as best she can before holding the shirt to her chest. “I’ll take this home to wash it, but…don’t expect it back.” She smirks and I smile at her, my inner caveman wanting to beat his chest with pride at the thought of her wearing my clothes. She slides on her bra and her dress and I pull up my sweatpants, my dick happy but also disappointed that this tryst is over.

I just came five minutes ago and it wasn’t enough.

I still want more.

Ten minutes later, I watch as Avery makes her way into her house. I don’t see a lot of lights on, so it seems like her family may still be out. She turns and waves before she heads in and I find myself irritated all over again that I’m in this situation with her. If she were any other woman on the planet, short of my ex-wife, I could walk her into my house right now without any questions or prying from Lucas. I make my way inside and hear people talking. I immediately slide my jacket on, grateful I’d brought it, and also that I decided to wear a black t-shirt because the bottom of it is definitely wet from Avery’s cunt.

“Dad!” Lucas calls from the living room and when I walk in, I see him and two of his friends watching the highlights from tonight’s 76ers playoff game. They both wave before turning back to the television. “Where you been?”

“Gym,” I tell him, already having the lie ready in case he was home.

He nods because it wasn’t unheard of for me to work out late. “You want to have a beer with us? Did you watch the game while you were there? It was fucking insane.”

“Maybe in a bit, let me shower first. And no, I was going to catch the highlights. I saw they won though.”

“Fucking crushed them.” He cheers as he takes a sip and I head up the stairs to my bedroom feeling my phone vibrate before I even reach the top of the stairs.

I know without looking who would be texting me at midnight and I smile when I see the nickname I’ve chosen on my screen.

Heart Eyes: Between last night, this morning and tonight, I am very sore.

Me: Then I’m doing my job.

Heart Eyes: Yes, you are.

Me: I’m about to shower and then Lucas is home, so I might hang out with him for a bit. If I don’t answer, that’s why.

Heart Eyes: Shower, huh? Me too. Shame we aren’t doing it together.

Me: I’ll think about you while I’m in there.

Heart Eyes: *heart eye emoji*

Sometime later, I make my way downstairs to see Lucas sprawled out on the couch scrolling through his phone. I see his friends have left and I drop to my lounger in the corner. “So, you ready for your new job?”

He doesn’t look away from his phone and I realize he’s scrolling through pictures from Avery’s graduation party. I turn my attention away from his phone because I don’t need to be reminded of how sinfully sexy Avery looked in that green dress.

“Yeah, I guess.”

“You don’t sound as excited as you were when they offered it to you.” I can still hear him shouting into the phone when they called with his offer. I went into the NFL right after college, so my situation was different but I still know that a hefty six-figure salary right after graduation from undergrad isn’t the norm, and I was so happy for him. He’d worked his ass off in college and he deserved this.

But I know my son, and I can hear the ‘but’lurking beneath that‘yeah, I guess.’

“The plan was for Avery to move to New York. We were always going to live there after we graduated.Shechanged the plan.”

I would have poured myself a drink if I knew this was what we were going to be talking about. “Okay well, sometimes things change. You guys made that plan, what, four years ago, after high school?”
