Page 103 of The Worst Kept Secret

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“We’re waiting onyouguys, you know. The party can’t really start without you.”

“Five minutes,” Avery says and I’m surprised she’s not suggesting we follow him now. He closes the door behind him and she turns around to look at me. “I love you and I’m so ready to start my life with you.”

“Me too, baby. I’m going to make you so happy.”

“You already do,” she says, shooting me her gorgeous smile.

“Shall we?” I guide her towards the door and open it for her.

“Yeah, I guess before they send another search party.” She giggles and when we make it into the hallway, we see Rory and Lucas…kissing?They stop, not having realized that we are in the hallway before they make their way outside towards the tent, where we’re having the reception.

“No freaking way!” Avery looks at me with wide eyes. “Did you know?”

“Absolutely not. If I did, you’d know.”

“Wowwww,” she says as we start walking towards the tent. “Those jerks are keeping a secret from me?” I shoot her a look thinking about a very big secret she kept from them both once upon a time about her relationship. “That is…” she starts. “Okay, fair.”

I hear someone in the distance preparing to announce our entrance and I lace our fingers together. “Let’s just enjoy tonight. We’ll have the rest of our lives to bug Lucas about his love life.”

The End

Want to know what to read next? Check outWhat Was Meant to Be:

a steamy dad’s best friend romance!


“She’s getting fucking married?” The words come out harsher than I intended, leaving my mouth through gritted teeth. I have one hand gripping the phone tightly and in the other, the engagement party invitation that I want to rip to shreds. Seeing the namesWhitney Monroe and Parker Andersonprinted ingold script makes me fucking enraged. I clench my fist, damaging the crisp white paper in the process before I toss it towards my desk. I can’t bear the sight of the words another second.

“Together with their families.”

Whitney’s family.Myfamily. The thought of watching her get married sends a wave of sadness through me. Followed by a wave of anger. Then regret.

How can she be getting married?

“You said she wasn’t dating anyone seriously.”

“I said I wasn’t sure but that things with this guy didn’tseemserious,” my younger brother, Trey, corrects.

“I told you to keep an eye on her. Don’t you think that this is something that I would have wanted to know? Before she had a Goddamn ring on her finger?” I’m pacing the length of my small office, trying my best to keep my voice down with the thin walls separating all of the doctors on the floor.

“Youaskedme to keep her safe,” he retorts. “You didn’t say anything about cock blocking her or interfering in her dating life or whatever the fuck. I do have a life of my own, you know. And what difference does it even make? You broke it off withher. So, you’re subscribing to the belief now that if you can’t have her, nobody can?”

That’s exactly how it is. Whitney Monroe belonged to me regardless of our current relationship status. I don’t know who this guy is, but there’s no way in hell she’s walking down that aisle with him.

“That’s exactly what the fuck I’m saying.” I decide to tell him the truth because I told Trey everything. Even about the intense two-year long relationship I found myself in with my best friend’s daughter. The relationship that left her broken-hearted when I ended things and me with regret, raging self-loathing and anger at myself for letting things get so far. I hadn’t ended things to be cruel or because I didn’t love her, I ended it because I felt we didn’t have a future. I was not only her parents’ best friend but her godfather which meant according to every rule in life, she should have been off limits to me. I’d been there the day she was born and through all of her milestones, all of her birthdays and even helped teach her to drive. I’d been there with her father threatening the boys with what would happen if any of them ever hurt her.

The irony that I also taught her to fuck and ended up hurting her way worse than any of those boys is not lost on me.

It all happened so fast. The summer she turned eighteen somehow coincided with the summer I lost my mind when the girl I’d known for eighteen years became a woman right before my eyes. A woman that suddenly had all my attention and we found ourselves unable to keep our hands off of each other and sneaking around behind everyone’s back. At my office, my car, my house on weekends, there was no chance her parents would drop by unannouncedand if they did, we always had contingency plansand practically every Four Seasons Hotel in the State of California.

I don’t know how no one caught on to be honest.

Our affair was intense, bordering on a burning obsession with each other. I hadn’t felt that way about anyone maybe ever. I woke up consumed with her. I went to sleep with her on my mind if she wasn’t curled up in bed next to me. If I was away from her for more than a few hours, my hands itched with the need to touch her. My mouth desperate to kiss her, taste her skin or the wet flesh between her legs. I was enamored with her. I was in love in a way that I’d never felt before and it hit me hard and fast.

I had been engaged once before breaking it off a few weeks before the big day at which point, I vowed never to get serious with anyone again and I had a series of flings and short-term relationships throughout my thirties.

Enter legal-aged Whitney Monroe.

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