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“Nothing at all,” I respond for all of us. “Let’s go dance.”



I brought a date.

Big deal.

Last week, Avery mentioned one of the guests couldn’t attend. If anything, I did them a favor by bringing Renée and not wasting a two-hundred-fifty-dollar plate.

I can’t fucking wait to get out of this tux and into something that doesn’t resemble a straitjacket. Maybe it’s why my brother is so uptight; there’s no circulation in his body.

I slide out of the back doors of the wedding hall after dancing for hours and inhale a deep breath, taking in the faint smell of smoke and the salty ocean air. My heartbeat, racing from dancing, edges back into a steady rhythm as I scan the terrace. It’s completely empty, but out on the cliff’s edge, beside a waning fire, I happen upon a familiar dress next to the flames.

The woman’s back is turned to the party. She’s looking out into the pitch-black swell of the expanse ahead.

There’s not a single person, animal, alien, or living thing that can deny it: Lily Rodin is absolutely fucking gorgeous.

I’m not sure when she left the dance floor, but I’m fucking glad she’s here alone.

At least, I hope she’s alone.

The silver glow of moonlight reflects off her pale complexion. Her long, raven-black hair hangs down her back, barely covering the strip of exposed skin cradled in the low dip of her dress.

I can’t figure out what happens to me when I see her. My heart’s rhythm becomes languid in my chest, each beat thudding slowly, and my throat dries.

I let my gaze greedily slide over her shoulders, down her hourglass waist, then settle on her curvaceous ass.

It’s one of those asses you’d see in a photograph and swear it was edited beyond belief. But no, here she stands, sculpted to perfection with an ass you can write poetry about.

Truthfully, no part of her body compares to her achingly beautiful face.

The first time I met Lily two years ago, she spent half the night teasing me and the other half gushing about some guy. There was no denying that I wanted her, even if only for the sake of quenching an urge. However, according to my brother, life isn’t a bowl of cherries. Whatever the fuck that means.

I can still hear his voice ringing in my ear.

Nothing is to happen between you. Goldfish have an easier time remembering where they are than either of you have recalling the name of the person you last slept with. Do not make things awkward. I’m planning to marry Avery, and you will not fuck it up for our family.

Apparently, Lily and I were flirting the moment we laid eyes on each other.

The familiar rush of rebellion had kicked in after Luca’s chat. I’d wanted to haul Lily to any room with a bed and make her moan my name like a prayer just to spite him.

But I was a good brother, still am a great brother, and I’d respected his wishes. Fucking my sister-in-law’s best friend is an awkward situation I’m not prepared to handle.

Rodin and I are friends.

Just friends.

It’s not worth fucking up a good thing.

My eyes return to admiring myfriendfrom afar. Just a bit longer can’t hurt.

It would be a crime to not appreciate an untouchable goddess. Besides, what’s the harm in a quick goodbye before my long trip to the airport tomorrow and my summer away?

“Beautiful,” I say.

Lily turns, and her green eyes find their way to mine. Those heart-shaped red lips pull into a gorgeous smile.

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