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Life is crazy, painful, and complicated, but it makes me happy that my books don’t have to be any of those things if I don’t want them to.

As you may know if you read the afterthoughts in Dark & Deadly Predators, I had a miscarriage a few months before I wrote this book. My grief made it difficult to write the fun stories I had been focusing on, so I pivoted and got a little more serious.

With this book, I started pivoting back.

It was… harder than I expected.

I still don’t feel completely like myself. I hope I’ll get there, and I think I will, but healing takes time.

Life is a bumpy ride, but a beautiful one.

And hey, at least I have some fun, sexy werewolves strapped into this roller-coaster with me ;) Gotta find the positives! My werewolf obsession isn’t as strong as it used to be, but it’s clearly still present.

Anyway, thank you so much for reading! I hope my book made you smile, and gave you a little escape too. Rok’s story will come next, so check out Lost in the Fractured Peaks if you’re interested in reading more about the pack! Keep flipping through the book for a peek at the first chapter. Worren will have his HEA too, of course, but it might take him a minute to get there ;)

All the love,

Lola Glass <3

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I try to offer a bonus epilogue for signing up for my email updates… but I just couldn't resist putting it in the back of the book this time.

Oh well!

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sample of lost in the fractured peaks


I staredout at the river, wondering if there was really a black-market way to receive a new identity. The water moved rapidly, and the heavy grayness in the sky was accompanied by a miserable, chilly drizzle.

The movies made the black market sound soreal. I’d googled it, but all that had done was make me paranoid the government was going to send someone after me just for looking it up.

My phone buzzed, and I didn’t have to look down to know who the text was from, or what it would say.

I looked down anyway.

Allen: Where are you?

Letting out a long, quiet sigh, I closed my eyes.
