Page 186 of Possession

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I shake my head and drag my hands down my face. “How did I miss it? I looked through everything. There was nothing.”

“Brax?” Her voice is pleading. “Brax, please say something.”

“Fuck!” I bellow.

I can’t look at her. Not right now.

Dennis Alba killed my brother. Ripped him away from us … just for the chance to work with Alamandos.

“Please look at me,” she cries. “I don’t know what to do or say. I wish I could change it. Change who I am for you. If I could kill my father myself, I would. Please. I’m so sorry.”

“I’ve got to get out of here,” I mumble.

“What?” she shrieks. “No! You can’t leave. Brax—”

She tries to come for me, but I’m already at the dresser grabbing my keys, badge, and gun as I stuff my feet into a pair of tennis shoes.

Landyn grips my arm. “No. Stay and talk to me.”

I shake my head and turn straight for the door. “I can’t breathe.”

“Oh my God,” she cries. “Don’t go. I’m begging you.”

I don’t look back. I can’t.

I yank the door open and slam it behind me. I’m down the hall and hit the stairwell, the only thing on my heels are her cries.




I’m alone.

So very alone.

I don’t even have a cell. All I have is the stupid hotel phone. But even if I wanted to use it—or hell, even worse, touch it—I don’t have anyone’s phone number.

Who remembers phone numbers?

That’s when I realized not knowing anyone’s phone number makes me feel even more alone.

The first thing I’m going to do when I get Brax’s phone number is memorize it.

There’s so much I don’t know about him.

I need to know it all—burn it on my brain for the rest of my life.

Every inch of his body.

What makes him tick.

Every corner of his beautiful heart.

And if he finds it in that heart to love me after learning that my father ripped his family apart, I’m going to love him more than any human could love another.

But I’m not sure he can. Or, if he could, why he would. The reality of it is, no one wants to look at a woman every day for the rest of their lives knowing that her father killed his brother.

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