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“Now is not the time…” Swiping the water skin off the ground, she popped the top and drank. After a couple of long swallows, she passed the kidney-shaped bag to Montrose. “To locate your sense of humor.”

He ignored the jab in favor of scanning the field behind him. “We’ll stay another minute, then move on. Quick and quiet. I would prefer to avoid the Hyraxes if possible.”

“The what?”

Montrose took another drink. “Rock badgers.”

“You don’t want to kill them?” Truly asked.

Westvane shook his head. “Hyraxes are important here. As the dominant predators in the region, they keep wildlife populations in check. Kill the pack, unbalance the ecosystem.”

Truly stared at him, eyes steady on his, then nodded. “Good enough reason. Although, push comes to shove, I would prefer not to be eaten by one.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Thanks,” she muttered, accepting the skin from Montrose, taking another drink before handing it to him. “Though, just want to point out…”

She trailed off.

He raised a brow.

Her focus cut to the wings rising above his shoulders. “At some point, we need to get you flying lessons.”

Montrose guffawed.

Westvane scowled. “There it is.”


“First complaint of the day.”

“Not a complaint,” she said, eyes sparkling. “More of an observation or… you know… afact.”

One he didn’t need pointed out. Particularly since she was right. Learning to use his wings landed near the top of the pro side of his tally sheet. Still…

“Fine form, princess,” he said, acknowledging the direct hit. “But now that you’ve recovered —”

“I’ll never recover,” she said. “Secret magical abilities, killer Yeomanry, nearly getting eaten by a horned Assenta and his bride — I’m scarred for life.”

Westvane clenched his teeth to keep from laughing. “Suck it up, princess. Time to move.”

She sighed.

Ignoring the attitude, he turned toward the Stepping Stones. Best not to go through any fissures just yet. He wanted to get a better look first. With Eastbrook flying, he already knew the best way forward, what path he planned to take, but better safe than sorry.

Capping the water skin, Truly lifted the strap over her head.

He examined the surface of the stone in front of him. A hundred-and-fifty feet high, give or take. Good hand and footholds. Still, a long way up for Truly. A challenging climb. The first of many between him and the other side of the rock field.Quick and quiet.A good strategy. More of a surgical strike than a journey to the other side. He must cut though the many twists, turns, and cliffs ahead of them.

Be efficient.

Leave little trace behind.

Quick and quiet.

More than the Hyraxes trailed them now.

He wasn’t yet sure who else had picked up their scent. The read he held on what stalked them lacked direction and clarity. Too much distance stood between him and it to get an accurate lock. The creep and claw across the back of his neck, however, told the tale. Someone else had joined the hunt. A powerful someone. Someone other than Lyonesse, but just as dangerous.

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