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“What about my new skill?” I asked. “You said you were going to teach me something as well.”

“Ah yes.” Grey forced a smile. “It’s clearly useless to continue our attempts at the wall for now, so it’s time to switch focus.” He glanced out the window at the setting sun. “However, it’s getting late, and we’re both tired. Let’s come to it fresh in the morning.”

I forced a smile and nodded, although I could barely contain my impatience. But as soon as I stepped out of his cabin, I realized what the early freedom meant. The night before, we had stopped our futile efforts so late that I hadn’t had enough energy to do anything but fall into my hammock and snatch a few hours’ sleep before starting over again. But now I had time.

I hurried for the open trapdoor that led to the upper hold, swerving away at the last minute when I saw two others approaching. I pretended an interest in the view out the nearest porthole until they had walked on, leaving the passage clear.

Half-tumbling down the ladder, I peered around in the dimness of evening. Was I alone down here?

A quick sweep with my power told me I was, so I hurried across to the closed trapdoor that led further down. Grabbing a lantern, my fingers trembled with my haste as I struggled to light it.

As soon as the flame blossomed, I pulled up the door and started down the ladder. By the time my feet reached the deck, Nik had appeared, Ember at his side.

“Delphine!” His voice was ragged, and he looked exhausted. He swept me into a tight embrace, speaking into my hair. “You’re all right.”

I let him hold me for a moment before pulling back. For a second, he resisted my efforts before finally letting me go with a low groan.

“Do you know how close I was to sneaking out of here? I thought you would be back much earlier!”

“Are you all right?” I asked, sudden concern filling me. “Are you hungry? I never even thought of bringing you food! I thought—”

“That I was surrounded by stores of food?” He shook his head, impatient. “I don’t need you to bring me anything—I just need to know you’re safe.”

“Oh. Sorry.” But the more I thought about it, the deeper my frown grew. “You were thinking of coming out of hiding? Are you serious? You can’t do that!”

He ran a hand through his hair, the lantern deepening the shadows on his face and making it look like he hadn’t slept at all.

“There are no networks of roots here. I can’t hear what’s happening to you, and it’s driving me to distraction.”

I sighed. “You just have to trust me. I can look after myself.”

He closed his eyes for a moment before opening them and grimacing. “I know. But there’s not a lot down here to focus on instead.”

I wrapped my hand around his arm. “I’ll try to get down here more often. I promise. But I’ve spent the last two days locked in Grey’s cabin, so I haven’t had a chance to sneak away.”

He stiffened immediately, his muscles leaping beneath my arm.

“He had you locked up?” From his growl he was ready to go find Grey right now.

“Not literally.” I rolled my eyes. “But I’m trying not to raise his suspicions, remember? He’s been trying to learn how to make a wallthis entire time.” I groaned dramatically in remembered exhaustion.

“You mean he can’t do it?” The news distracted Nik from his dark emotions. “Is it so difficult?”

I shrugged helplessly. “It doesn’t seem like it is to me, but apparently other people find it impossible. I have no idea why. But with his ability, I couldn’t lie and give him bad instructions. By the end I was doing my truthful best, but we still got nowhere.”

“Good,” Nik said savagely. “The fewer weapons Grey has, the better.”

I nodded my agreement, but I couldn’t put the matter aside so easily. Why could I do this thing that no one else could do? It didn’t make any sense.

“Did you learn anything else?” Nik asked. “Do you have any idea how Grey fooled you so completely?”

“Not yet. But I think I might get some answers tomorrow. We’re due for another lesson in the morning, and this time Grey says he has something to teach me.”


“I’m sorry, say that again?” I stared at Grey, too shocked to think about what emotion I should be pretending to display.

“Incredible, isn’t it!” His eyes were shining, as if it had been difficult to hold in this secret, and it was a relief to finally talk about it. “It was the first thing my mother taught me after she activated me and taught me control.”

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