Page 45 of Dev Girl

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She crawled toward him. It should be ridiculous that her pants were still around her ankles, but all I saw was filthy, yummy Alys, with her bare ass in the air. When she reached Onyx, she licked along his shaft and hand. Not stopping until he was mostly clean too.

I couldn’t… Who was this woman? Seeing this side of Alys didn’t make me like her more, but it did make me like her in entirely new ways. Did I mention, fuck?

When Alys was done, she pulled away. “Better.”

“You’re telling me,” Onyx said.

Alys shifted her weight to sit, to lean her head against his inner thigh. When his fingers met her hair, when she relaxed visibly under his touch, I expected a surge of jealousy similar to the one I always felt when I saw how close they were.

The feeling had been replaced with a contentment. I liked that I got to be with them. That they were so good together and with me.

I liked the way the threads connected us. I liked all of it.

The three of us headed back to Onyx’s a short while later. To order pizza, to talk more about album covers and music, to eventually retire to Onyx’s room.

I was already addicted to sharing a bed with the two of them, even without the sex. It felt right.

I’d never imagined things could be like this with Alys and Onyx. It was a next-level connection. I was used to casual sex, but that wasn’t what I felt here.

These were my best friends. Fun during the day and puppy piles at night. It was so much more than good sex.

And I’d do anything to make sure we never lost this.



The best and simultaneously worse thing about having Alys and Maddox here was it reminded me just how much I loved them being around. How much I already missed them and how much worse it would be when I moved away.

The sex amplified those feelings. It shouldn’t. I was supposed to keep the physical separate, but everything was fun with them. Even fucking.

Especially the fucking.

And Alys sitting on the floor yesterday evening, resting against my leg… Maddox looking pleased and content…

How was something so simple also so good?

I stashed the thoughts, and finished getting ready for the morning, making as little noise as possible. Alys and Onyx were still asleep, though they’d both be up in the next hour or so. Her for work and him to meet me at Aubrey’s.

I need to be there earlier though. Aubrey had been happy to do my makeup, to turn me into a radiant, blue-faced guy, for our version of Frontiers. She’d asked me to come over before anything opened, though. The work would take a couple of hours, and she wanted to get things done before she had to open her store.

That wasn’t as big a concern for me. For the past few months, I’d been letting my people do more and more of that work, so they were ready to take over when I moved away.

As I headed out, Haddarville was waking up. The small handful of people on the streets was growing. I drove the short distance to town, in case I needed my car today, parked in the lot behind my shop, and walked across the street to the coffee shop.

Aubrey walked in while I was ordering, and I paid for her drink too. I’d have to do more to thank her for her help today, but this was a good start.

How many mornings had I done things like this? Not gotten ready for Aubrey’s makeup chair, but the rest of it. How many of my days had been filled with this routine? This familiar comfort? Sometimes the people changed, and I was about to be one of those casualties.

Was I feeling nostalgic for home before I left?

Seemed that way.

Best to get it out of my system now.

Aubrey and I crossed the street again to her place, and headed into the back. She situated me in a chair in front of a little mirror, put a bib on me, and got to it.

Neither of us had much to say as she slicked my hair back and made sure it was all tucked under a latex skull cap. We were content to sip our coffee—mine through a straw—and work in silence.
