Page 50 of Born to Sin
“Motherfucker!” I shout, pulling my cell out of my cut, praying it’s not busted.
I call Crow, righting my bike while I wait for him to answer.
“Where the hell are you?” he asks by way of greeting. “Thought you’d b?—”
“Wren’s gone,” I snap. “WAMC bastards forced us off the road and knocked me out.”
“Jesus fucking christ,” Crow mutters. “Can you make it to the clubhouse, or do you need to be picked up?”
“I can make it. While you gather the officers, can you get Addi to move up Stone’s transfer? I know it’s set for next week, but we can’t wait that long. Wren can’t wait that long.”
“I’ll see what she can do,” he assures me. “Just get here.”
I disconnect the call, throw my leg over the seat, and start the engine. Gravel spits behind me as I peel off the side of the road, gunning it to get to the clubhouse.
“Meeting room,” Conner says when I burst through the front door.
Crow, Ghost, Screamer, and Poker are standing near the table when I step into the room, the door banging against the wall when I shove it open.
“What’d Addi say?” I demand.
“She’s working on it. Since she set it up as him being taken to a police station to be interviewed about an old crime, she thinks she can pull it off that the lawyers had a change in schedule. She’ll let me know as soon as she can.”
“Okay. If she can’t get him out of the prison, I’ll just have to go in,” I say.
“You know that’s not how it works,” Ghost snaps. “Even if you got arrested today, you wouldn’t be placed in that facility. Not so soon.”
“I’ll figure something out. There’s no other option.”
“I’m sure there’s a delivery or something we can weasel our way into,” Screamer comments. “We’re gonna get her back, Journey.”
“There’s only six Wingless Angels left,” Poker reminds me. “Between us and Limitless Throttle MC, we’ve taken out the rest of them.”
“And all six of them were there when Wren was taken,” I bark. “Goddammit! This can’t be happening. I promised her she was safe with me.”
“Journey, brother,” Crow says calmly. “You need to focus. You’re no good to anyone if you don’t get your head on straight.”
“Besides, Wren’s a strong chick,” Poker adds. “She’ll get thr?—”
Crow’s cell rings, and we all stare at the device in his hand. He answers it and puts it on speakerphone.
“Whaddya got for me, Ace?” he asks.
“I now owe some favors, but Stone will be transported out of his current facility to my jail in an hour. I’ll send you the route the vehicle will take.”
I breathe a sigh of relief. “You’re the best, Addi.”
“Listen, the guards transporting him will be heavily armed, and they’re good men. If you could do this with as minimal damage to the good guys as possible, I’d appreciate it.”
“Consider it done,” Crow assures her. “Gotta go. Love you.”
He disconnects as she’s replying. Poor guy’s gonna pay for that later, but that’s his problem. I’ve got enough on my plate without worrying about his love life.
Crow’s phone dings with a notification. “God, we’re gonna owe her big. Addi just sent the route.”
“Can you connect it to the projector so we can see it better?” Ghost asks.